Bus stop, 1992
Bus stop with sidepath on sidewalk, on Rue Cherrier. Passengers waiting for the bus or getting on and off must contend with bicyclists crossing on the sidewalk. Bus-stop designs of this general type showed a crash rate 19 times as high as having bicyclists pass on the street side of the bus, in a 2007 research report from Copenhagen. Note handlebar-snagging posts -- bicycle handlebars overhang the wheels and so these posts effectively narrow the two-way bike route by four feet, to only a single safe line of travel including very modest shy distance. In the photo, every second post has been removed, only a year or so after the Axe Nord-Sud (north-south arterial bikeway) opened. I suspect that the posts were removed in an attempt to decrease the hazard. Posts immediately adjacent to a bikeway are not acceptable under US bicycle facilities design guidelines. Also, straying into one of the curbs immediately adjacent to the bicycle route will topple a bicyclist. The curb visible through the bicyclist's wheels in the picture would topple the bicyclist into the street.