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Rohloff Speedhub[1]
  Number of gear teeth       Number of gear teeth           Number of gear teeth            
Gear Sun Gear 1 Pinion to Sun 1 Pinion to Ring 1 Ring gear 1 1=R to P, 2=Direct Stage 1 Gear Drive Ratio Stage 1 drive ratio as fraction Sun Gear  2 Pinion to Sun 2 Pinion to Ring 2 Ring gear 2 Path: 2=Direct, 3=P to R Stage 2 Gear Drive Ratio Stage 2 drive ratio as fraction Stages 1 and 2 Drive Ratio[2] Stages 1 and 2 drive ratio as fraction Sun Gear  3 Pinion to Sun 3 Pinion to Ring 3 Ring gear 3 Path: 1=P to S, 2=Direct  Stage 3 Gear Drive Ratio Stage 3 drive ratio as fraction Total Drive Ratio[3] Total drive ratio as fraction Ratio incre- ment
1 42 24 24 90 1 0.682    15/22   42 24 24 90 2 1.000 1           0.682    15/22   51 20 26 96 1 0.409   221/541  0.279 3315/11902 [4]  
2 35 32 24 90 1 0.774    24/31   42 24 24 90 2 1.000 1           0.774    24/31   51 20 26 96 1 0.409   221/541  0.316 5304/16771 [5] 1.135
3 42 24 24 90 1 0.682    15/22   35 32 24 90 3 1.292 1    7/24   0.881   155/176  51 20 26 96 1 0.409   221/541  0.360 34255/95216 [6] 1.138
4 42 24 24 90 2 1.000 1           42 24 24 90 2 1.000 1           1.000 1           51 20 26 96 1 0.409   221/541  0.409   221/541  1.135
5 35 32 24 90 1 0.774    24/31   42 24 24 90 3 1.467 1    7/15   1.135 1   21/155  51 20 26 96 1 0.409   221/541  0.464 38896/83855 [7] 1.135
6 42 24 24 90 2 1.000 1           35 32 24 90 3 1.292 1    7/24   1.292 1    7/24   51 20 26 96 1 0.409   221/541  0.528 6851/12984 [8] 1.138
7 42 24 24 90 2 1.000 1           42 24 24 90 3 1.467 1    7/15   1.467 1    7/15   51 20 26 96 1 0.409   221/541  0.599 4862/8115 [9] 1.135
8 42 24 24 90 1 0.682    15/22   42 24 24 90 2 1.000 1           0.682    15/22   51 20 26 96 2 1.000 1           0.682    15/22   1.138
9 35 32 24 90 1 0.774    24/31   42 24 24 90 2 1.000 1           0.774    24/31   51 20 26 96 2 1.000 1           0.774    24/31   1.135
10 42 24 24 90 1 0.682    15/22   35 32 24 90 3 1.292 1    7/24   0.881   155/176  51 20 26 96 2 1.000 1           0.881   155/176  1.138
11 42 24 24 90 2 1.000 1           42 24 24 90 2 1.000 1           1.000 1           51 20 26 96 2 1.000 1           1.000 1           1.135
12 35 32 24 90 1 0.774    24/31   42 24 24 90 3 1.467 1    7/15   1.135 1   21/155  51 20 26 96 2 1.000 1           1.135 1   21/155  1.135
13 42 24 24 90 2 1.000 1           35 32 24 90 3 1.292 1    7/24   1.292 1    7/24   51 20 26 96 2 1.000 1           1.292 1    7/24   1.138
14 42 24 24 90 2 1.000 1           42 24 24 90 3 1.467 1    7/15   1.467 1    7/15   51 20 26 96 2 1.000 1           1.467 1    7/15   1.135

John Allen:
I thank Tom Ace, for the gear tooth counts and fractional ratios.
For a description of the workings of this hub, see the excellent animated CAD drawings (“Gears 1=14”) at
John Allen:
This is the gear ratio after the second stage, the product of its ratio and that of the first stage.
John Allen:
This is the final drive ratio, the product of the ratios of all three stages.
John Allen:
As Excel calculates fractions only up to three places in the denominator, and gives inaccurate answers if it can not find an exact match, these numbers were entered manually as text.
John Allen:
As Excel calculates fractions only up to three places in the denominator, and gives inaccurate answers if it can not find an exact match, these numbers were entered manually as text.
John Allen:
As Excel calculates fractions only up to three places in the denominator, and gives inaccurate answers if it can not find an exact match, these numbers were entered manually as text.
John Allen:
As Excel calculates fractions only up to three places in the denominator, and gives inaccurate answers if it can not find an exact match, these numbers were entered manually as text.
John Allen:
As Excel calculates fractions only up to three places in the denominator, and gives inaccurate answers if it can not find an exact match, these numbers were entered manually as text.
John Allen:
As Excel calculates fractions only up to three places in the denominator, and gives inaccurate answers if it can not find an exact match, these numbers were entered manually as text.