a sculpture by William
(Multispeed road bicycle, with attached framework
covered with sheet aluminum in the form of a fish)
This sculpture was exhibited and sold at the Art Bike exposition and auction given at
the Cambridge [Massachusetts, USA] Multicultural Center in the spring of 2001. The auction
was a benefit for Bikes Not Bombs,
an organization which exports donated bicycles to third world countries, and educates
inner city youth in bicycle-related skills. According to Carl Kurz of Bikes Not Bombs, the
Fishbike is actually rideable [though presumably not under windy conditions].
In the photo, Paul Schimek, President of the Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition,
is wearing the dorsal fin helmet which is part of the sculpture.

The description of the sculpture (on the panel visible at the bottom of the picture)
reads as follows:
William Turville
Turville's bike plays off the idea of "Fishin' Not Fission" and "Release
Fish Not Bombs," linking the anti-nuclear/anti-war movement and the environmental
Turville holds a degree in architecture from Pratt Institute, and has been in residence
several times at the Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, Vermont where he designed new
studio and office space. His work has been commissioned by First Night, Massachusetts
Coalition for the Homeless, Windows Art Project and ArtBeat in Somerville, Children's
Hospital Boston. He has received an Artist Fellowship from the Somerville Arts Council,
and his work has been on exhibition in numerous galleries throughout New England. He is an
active member of Reclamation Artists.