Davis, California bicycling research documents and histories

I thank Theodore Buehler, John Ciccarelli, the City of Davis, the late Dale Lott, Robert Sommer, David Takemoto-Weerts -- and his students -- for making the documents listed below available in digital form. I have not yet obtained permission to post articles which appeared in Bicycling magazine and a couple of other publications. I have, on the other hand, posted links to some videos, and to a few old articles from long-defunct magazines, having been unable to determine who might own the rights to them, and believe me, I've tried. If you own the rights or can point me to someone who does, please contact me -- John S. Allen

Bicycle Signal Heads project documents and video:

Bowen, Spencer, Interview with founders of the Davis bikeway system (podcast).

Buehler, Theodore." Fifty years of bicycle policy in Davis, CA (2.1 MB). 1 June 2007, Institute for Transportation Studies University of California, Davis. Thesis final draft. Research funded by the University of California Transportation Center. Linked from the History page of the Web site of Davis Bicycles

--. Fifty years of bicycle policy in Davis, CA. Presentation at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; originally linked from Prof. Susan Handy's page on the UC Davis Web site.

Ciccarelli, John, UC Davis Roundabout (video)

City of Davis, Bicycle Programs (Compendium, 1976)

City of Davis Bicycle Advisory Commission. Bicycle Plan. 2009, City of Davis, California.

City of Davis. Beyond Platinum Bicycle Action Plan (2014).

Copley, Duane, City of Davis Bicycle Lane History, Chronology of City Council Actions/History, March 1963 through June 1967

Davis Bicycles! Web site history page, with links to additional documents (archived). Davisbicycles historical timeline.

Deleuw, Cather and Company: Davis Bicycle Circulation and Safety Study. 1972, Deleuw, Cather and Company, San Francisco. As a government-funded document, this is in the public domain.

Excerpt concerning safety of bike lanes behind parked cars.

Entire report:

Huffman Manufacturing Company, Bikeways for Better Living, a promotional film (1974).

Kroll, Bonnie and Robert Sommer. "Bicyclists' Response to Urban Bikeways" (1.1 MB). AIP Journal, January 1976, pp 42-51.

Lott, Dale. "How Our Bike Lanes Were Born" op-ed piece which appeared in the Davis Enterprise in 2003.

-- and Donna Lott."Effects of Bike Lanes on Ten Classes of Bicycle-Automobile Accidents in Davis, California". Journal of Safety Research, Volume 8, Number 4, December, 1976. Results where also published as "Differential Effect Of Bicycle Lanes On Ten Classes Of Bicycle-Automobile Accidents" in Transportation Research Record No. 605, Vehicle Operators and Pedestrians.

-- and Robert Sommer, "Moving People by Bicycle". Bicycling!, August 1972, pp.14-15.

--, Timothy Tardiff and Donna Lott. Evaluation by Experienced Riders of a New Bicycle Lane in an Established Bikeway System. Undated, ca. 1978, with rebuttal by John Forester and further comments by the authors. Publication sponsored by the Committee on Bicycling and Bicycle Facilities (Committee affiliation unknown). This paper appeared in TRB Research Record No. 683, Road User Information Needs, Pedestrian Movement, and Bicycle Travel Patterns (HS-026 725, p. 40-46, 1978).

Sommer, Robert. Article "Where Have all the Bicyclists Gone", Davis Enterprise, Sunday, May 18, 2003; response by UC Davis Bicycle-Pedestrian Coordinator David Takemoto-Weerts

--. Bikeway Research at the University of California, Davis in the 1960s. 2005, Proceedings of the 16th International Cycle History Conference.

--. "Building Bridges Between Communities of Cyclists ". Bicycling!, August 1971, pp. 70-72

--. "Bike Pride: a Manifesto". Bicycle Spokesman, November (year unknown)

-- and Dale Lott. Behavioral Evaluation of a Bikeway System. Manuscript; also published in Proceedings of the Northeastern Undergraduate Conference on Environment and Behavior, Amherst, MA, Institute for Man and Environment, 1974, 12-17.

-- and Dale Lott. "Bob Sommer's Guide to Better Bikeways". Design and Environment 6 (1), 1975, pp 28-29 (Excerpted from the "Behavioral Evaluation" paper).

-- and Dale Lott."Bikeways in Action, the Davis Experience". Congressional Record; introduction by Rep. Henry Pirnie of New York, April 19, 1971

-- and Dale Lott, "The Perceptual World of the Cyclist". Bicycle Spokesman, May 1973

Scott, John Finley. "Davis, City of Bicycles: Can the Davis Model Work Elsewhere? " California Bicyclist, vol. 2 no. 8, October 1984

Stamm, Richard and Robert Sommer. "How about a Bicycle Traffic Circle?" Bicycling!, March 1977

Takemoto-Weerts, David.A Bicycle-Friendly Community, the Davis model. A paper presented at the Pro Bike/Pro Walk conference, September 1998, Santa Barbara, CA. Now archived. Was online on the UC Davis Web site.

-- Roundabout on the UC Davis Campus (video of talk)

UC Davis: Bicycle program includingg 2011 Bicycle Plan