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Letter from Talitha Fabricius of the
MIT Department of Facilities

This letter is a response to the issues raised at the meeting of March 6, 2002.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Facilities
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Massachusetts
10 May 2002

Mr. John Allen
[name withheld - One person to whom this letter is addressed does not want to be associated with these comments for personal reasons and because of the desire to pursue a different strategy.]
Prof. David Gordon Wilson

Dear [name withheld], Mr. Allen, and Prof. Wilson:

We enjoyed our meeting with you and we are pleased to have had the opportunity to hear your concerns. We thank you for your extensive research and your interest in the project. The issues you raised are important ones.

We have carefully reviewed the materials you prepared and the articles that you referred us to in light of our proposed design and you will find a response to your specific concerns in the attached report. We believe that the proposed Vassar Street design addresses in a very positive way the safety and operational issues that you've raised. We are still reviewing signage and driveway treatments and your specific input on these would be helpful. We will also be conducting periodic follow-up evaluations to monitor usage of the facility and to review accident data.

In addition, we have offered to maintain the facility and to assume responsibility for snow removal and trash removal. We have agreed to put to maintain the cycle track and walkways clear of ice and snow at all times.

We recognize that we are applying a different strategy on Vassar Street than is commonly found in Cambridge, and we will strive to educate our population about its proper use. In the end, a good design that is laid out with logic and clarity will not require a substantial educational effort.

Please feel free to contact me if you'd like clarification on any aspect of this letter or the attached memorandum.

Very truly yours,


Talitha Fabricius

Senior Project Manager
MIT Department of Facilities - Capital Projects
Building 45-150,
77 Mass Ave
Cambridge 02139-4307
tel. 617-253-5283
fax: 617-452-2342
e-mail: tfabricius@mit.edu

cc: Sue Clippinger, City of Cambridge, Department of Traffic, Transportation and Parking

Cara Seiderman, City of Cambridge, Community Development Department

Kathy Watkins, City of Cambridge, Community Development Department

Mr. Paul Schimek, Boston Transportation Department

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