A classic right-hook collision occurred on August 26, 2015 in Montreal, where the cyclist was riding on a sidepath.
Here’s a news report on the crash.
As I’ve said repeatedly, sidepaths do not prevent crossing and turning collisions.
The sidepath in this crash is in a block folliwng a steep downhill. The cyclist might have been overtaking the truck which turned right across his path.
I have cycled through the crash location and shot a video of my ride. It is here.
Rue Berri from Cherrier to de Maisonneuve, Montreal from John Allen on Vimeo.
“…It’s the second crash involving a cyclist in Montreal this week. On Monday, a 24-year-old woman was hit by a truck making a right turn at the corner of Iberville and Rosemont. She was declared dead at the scene…”
Do we have information about the Iberville/Rosemont intersection–another sidepath/bikelane or not?
https://www.google.ca/maps/@45.5465014,-73.5862731,3a,90y,90h,87.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQKlNiJJiOTCrKvyTQrommQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!5m1!1e3!6m1!1e1?hl=en Iberville/Rosemont intersection does not appear to have a special cycling facility, but the photo at street view level shows wrong-way cyclists!
M Kary reports:
There was no bike lane or other special facility at the corner of Rosemont and Iberville where Justine Charland St-Amour was killed. Some sort of bike lane is planned for Rosemont, I believe barrier-separated. Conceivably that might have helped, because it would have forced the truck into a longer approach to the turn. But maybe not.
Both were waiting at the red light. On green she went straight and the truck turned. Trucks not making local deliveries further north on Iberville are obliged to turn right or left onto Rosemont.
I haven’t seen any reporting as to whether she was already at the red and the truck came up from behind to stop at the red, or if she came up from behind the truck.
Everyone local seems to be completely clueless about the solution.
News reports (in French):
From La Presse:
and also:
From the Journal de Montréal: