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Tag Archives: Bicycling
The Slow Ride, redux
Bob Sutterfield writes: I don’t ride fast so I can participate safely in traffic. I participate in traffic so I can safely ride fast enough for my needs. If I were to ride in the gutter, on the bike path, … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, curb, cycle track, cycle tracks, path, pedestrian, safety, sidepath, slow, speed, Sutterfield, traffic, travel lane, vehicular
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Lane Control on Lexington Street
Here’s a video showing a bicycle ride on a constant mile-long upslope, at speeds of 10 to 12 miles per hour (16 to 20 km/h), on a suburban 4-lane speedway with narrow lanes and no shoulders, the most challenging street … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, Boston, lane, lane control, law, Lexington, Massachusetts, motor vehicle, pedestrian, safety, traffic, vehicle, Waltham
Bruce Epperson’s observations on transportation funding
Bicycle historian Bruce Epperson has written a paper examining trends in transportation funding in the USA from the 1960s to the present. It makes interesting reading. With his permission, I have made the paper available in PDF format on this … Continue reading
Helmet disparagement and ethics
To quote the late, great Dutch traffic engineer Hans Monderman, “Never treat anyone in the public sphere like an idiot. If you treat him like an idiot, he will act like an idiot.” Providing helmets is difficult when bicycles are … Continue reading
M. Kary on the epidemiological approach to traffic-safety research
M. Kary has released the manuscript of his paper on the unsuitability of the epidemiological approach in studying traffic safety. Unsuitability of the Epidemiological Approach to Bicycle Transportation Injuries and Traffic Engineering Problems Author: M Kary Injury Prevention 2015;21:73-76, Published … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged Anne Lusk, bias risk, BICE, bicycle, Bicycling, bicyclist, diversion bias, epidemiological, epidemiology, Harris, helmet, Kary, Lusk, M. Kary, research, safety, scientific method, Teschke, Toronto, Vancover
A review of the film Bikes vs. Cars
I knew I’d have a problem with the film just based on the the title. There can be animosity between people on bikes and in cars, but bikes and cars are machines, which have no feelings and generally don’t get … Continue reading
Another crosswalk confusion, and a fatality
In response to my post about confused yielding requirements where shared-use paths cross streets, Ryan Reasons has published comments on a recent fatal truck-bicycle crash in the Seattle, Washington area. The photo below is from the KOMO TV/radio station news … Continue reading
Some thoughts about self-driving cars
Google’s report on its self-driving cars: http://static.googleusercontent.com/media/www.google.com/en/us/selfdrivingcar/files/reports/report-0515.pdf Most than half of the collisions reported in this document are slow-speed rear-enders of the Google cars. That’s unusual. It might be that the behavior of the Google cars is more cautious than … Continue reading
Change lanes in a roundabout?
Ohio cyclist Patricia Kovacs posted an e-mail asking some questions about roundabouts: Ohio engineers are telling us to use the inner lane for left turns and U turns. Both the FHWA [Federal Highway Administration] and videos available on our local … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Bike lanes, Roundabouts, traffic circles, Traffic Signals
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, crash, crosswalk, pedestrian, rotary, roundabout, safety, traffic, traffic circle, vehicle, video
Translation of complete paper on German bikeways 1897-1940
I’ve prepared a full translation of the important paper by Dr. Volker Briese of the University of Paderborn in Germany about the history of German bikeways from 1897 through the start of World War II. This has previously been available … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bike lanes, Crashes, Cycle tracks
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, Briese, Copenhagen, cycle track, cycle tracks, Europe, Fahrrad, Germany, Henneking, law, Paderborn, Radweg, sidepath, Volker Briese
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