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Tag Archives: bike path
A better crosswalk treatment
This post continues the discussion in the comments below my previous post about a crash on the Pinellas Rail Trail. So, first, because images can’t be embedded in WordPress comments, here is my photo of an installation on the Capital … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike path, bikeway, collision, crash, crosswalk, Florida, law, motor vehicle, pedestrian, Pinellas, rail trail, safety, St. Petersburg, traffic, traffic signal
Crash on the Pinellas Rail Trail
An article about a car-bicycle crash on the Pinellas Rail Trail in Florida is on the Cycling Today Web site. Please view the embedded video there before reading the rest of this post. There is a lot of nonsense about … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Crashes, Traffic Signals
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike path, bikeway, collision, crash, crosswalk, Florida, law, motor vehicle, pedestrian, Pinellas, rail trail, safety, St. Petersburg, traffic, traffic signal
Mighk Wilson’s report on Orlando bicycle crashes
Mighk Wilson, who works for the Orlando, Florida metropolitan planning organization, has prepared a very interesting study of bicycle crashes in the Orlando area based on a database of 5,000 crashes, 2011-2017. The study is important in that it distinguishes … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Bike lanes, Crashes, Cycle tracks, Sidepaths
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, collision, crash, cycle track, cycle tracks, Florida, Metroplan Orlando, Mighk Wilson, motor vehicle, Orlando, research, safety, sidepath, sidewalk, traffic
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Brooklyn Bridge air horn blast
The Brooklyn Bridge, one of the engineering wonders of the world, opened in 1883 and is still in full service. (Highly recommended: David McCullough’s book The Great Bridge…) Traffic on the roadways when the bridge opened consisted of horseback riders, … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, New York City, shared space
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, Brooklyn, Brooklyn Bridge, collision, crash, horn, Manhattan, New York, pedestrian, safety, traffic
The cyclist’s comment on this Youtube video: “This is why turn signals are important. Had she used a turn signal, I would have stayed back and let her turn. But because she didn’t use one, I assumed she was going … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Cycle tracks, Sidepaths
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, collision, crash, cycle track, cycle tracks, sidepath, traffic, traffic signal, vehicle, video
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Montreal sidepath protects?
A classic right-hook collision occurred on August 26, 2015 in Montreal, where the cyclist was riding on a sidepath. Here’s a news report on the crash. As I’ve said repeatedly, sidepaths do not prevent crossing and turning collisions. The sidepath … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Cycle tracks
Tagged Berri, Berri Street, bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, Boulevard de Maisonneuve, Canada, Cherrier, Cherrier Street, crash, cycle track, cycle tracks, Maisonneuve, Montreal, Quebec, Rue Berri, Rue Cherrier, sidepath, traffic, vehicular
The Slow Ride, redux
Bob Sutterfield writes: I don’t ride fast so I can participate safely in traffic. I participate in traffic so I can safely ride fast enough for my needs. If I were to ride in the gutter, on the bike path, … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, curb, cycle track, cycle tracks, path, pedestrian, safety, sidepath, slow, speed, Sutterfield, traffic, travel lane, vehicular
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Another crosswalk confusion, and a fatality
In response to my post about confused yielding requirements where shared-use paths cross streets, Ryan Reasons has published comments on a recent fatal truck-bicycle crash in the Seattle, Washington area. The photo below is from the KOMO TV/radio station news … Continue reading
Translation of complete paper on German bikeways 1897-1940
I’ve prepared a full translation of the important paper by Dr. Volker Briese of the University of Paderborn in Germany about the history of German bikeways from 1897 through the start of World War II. This has previously been available … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bike lanes, Crashes, Cycle tracks
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, Briese, Copenhagen, cycle track, cycle tracks, Europe, Fahrrad, Germany, Henneking, law, Paderborn, Radweg, sidepath, Volker Briese
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Godzilla’s toothpaste decorates Seattle bikeway
A new bikeway has recently opened on Broadway in Seattle, Washington state, USA. Someone has posted a video of a ride on the newly-opened bikeway. (To get a better view of the video, click on “YouTube” and open it up … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Cycle tracks, Sidepaths
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike path, Broadway, cycle track, cycle tracks, Seattle, sidepath, traffic, Washington, Yester