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Tag Archives: bike path
Confusion at crosswalks on multi-use paths
The crosswalk on a multi-use path has a mixed identity, unless the crossing is signalized. Motorists must yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk, but on the other hand, a stop sign facing the path normally means that cyclists yield to … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike path, bikeway, crosswalk, law, Massachusetts, multi-use path, multiple threat, MUP, pedestrian, right of way, stop sign, vehicle, yield
Manufacturing traffic jams on Grand Street, Manhattan
Someone has watched my video of Grand Street, in Manhattan, and commented: John, I watched the Grand Street video (which was kind of fun) but I couldn’t help but notice you are passing a lot of cars, which makes your … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike box, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, bus, Canal Street, Chinatown, curb, cycle track, Gorton, Grand Street, Holland Tunnel, loading zone, Manhattan, Mark Gorton, New Jersey, New York, safety, sidepath, Streetfilms
About Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, bikeways, class issues and segregation
The 184.5 mile long Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Historic Park is located along the north bank of the Potomac River, between Washington, DC and Cumberland, Maryland. I recently had the occasion to see the park described in writing as a … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged AASHTO, bike path, bikeway, Brown v. Board of Education, Brown vs. Board of Education, C & O CCanal, C&O Canal, CalTrans, Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Historic Park, Class I, District of Columbia, Douglas, Maryland, multi-use path, park, path, Potomac, segregation, Supreme Court, towpath, trail, Washington, William O. Douglas
Davis Planners and Advocates Opine on Sidepaths
This post supplements my previous post linking to documents about Davis bicycle facilities. Please bear in mind that Davis was the first community to introduce bike lanes in the USA, and that its bicycle program strongly favors conventional bike lanes, … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Bike lanes, Crashes, Cycle tracks, Sidepaths
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, buffer, California, crosswalk, curb, cycle track, Davis, experimentation, protected, safety, vehicle, vehicular
Davis, California historical documents
Thanks to John Ciccarelli, Robert Sommer and David Takemoto-Weerts — and David’s students — among others — I am able to post online a number of documents about bicycling in Davis, California and the Davis bicycle program. Davis has the … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Roundabouts
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, California, crash, crosswalk, Davis, documents, research, roundabouts, traffic signal
Guest posting by John Schubert: New York, City of Confrontation
Responding to an article in the New York Times, a correspondent asked John Schubert Why isn’t NYC concerned about being sued because of lousy bike-lane- design-caused wrecks? and he replied: Good question. I think it’s important to know the answer … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Cycle tracks, New York City, Sidepaths, Sidepaths
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, civility, collision, crash, cycle track, Manhattan, New York, taxi, traffic
Deer dears
OK, the title “Deer Dears” might seem a bit obscure. It refers to children walking and bicycling in urban areas. I chose the title because I’m recalling a Bicycling Magazine opinion piece which my friend, long time Philadelphia bicycling advocate … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Bike lanes, Crashes, Cycle tracks
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, child, children, Dowlin, helmet, John Dowlin, pedestrian, safety, traffic, vulneable
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Turn out the lights?
My attention has been drawn to a video from the U.K. that advocates removal of traffic signals. I am sure that removing traffic signals is sometimes beneficial — my late friend Gihon Jordan pioneered it in Philadelphia, and he was … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Crashes, Traffic Signals
Tagged advocacy, bicycle, Bicycling, bike box, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, crash, England, traffic, traffic signal, U.K., video
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