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Tag Archives: bike path
Such language!
The following are my comments on a post on P. M. Summer’s CycleDallas blog. I’d have liked to post my comments there, but they are longer than allowed by the software on Summer’s site. Quoting Robin Stallings, Executive Director of … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Bike lanes
Tagged advocacy, bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, BikeTexas, bikeway, cycle track, cycle tracks, CycleDallas, Hayakawa, Language in Thought and Action, legal, P. M. Summers, practicable, protected, Reed Bates, Robert Jay Lifton, Robin Stallings, safety, shared lane marking, sharrow, sidepath, sidepaths, SLM, Stallings, TBC, Texas Bicycle Coalition, thought-terminating cliché
Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC: Incredible Shrinking Bike Lanes
Slam dunk indeed. It turned out that bicyclists were slammed, and dunked.
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Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Bike lanes
Tagged bicycle, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, crash, crosswalk, cycle track, cycle tracks, DC, District of Columbia, League of American Bicyclists, motor vehicle, pedestrian, safety, traffic, traffic calming, traffic signal, vehicle, Washington
Guest posting: John Ciccarelli on the NYC 9th Avenue bikeway
I consider the 9th Avenue bikeway to be “proper” engineering in the small (i.e. purely technical sense) but not in the larger (public stewardship) sense that considers the legal framework that governs a street’s function for all users. Continue reading
Posted in Sidepaths
Tagged 9th Avenue, bicycle, bike path, bikeway, intersection, Manhattan, New York, sidepath, traffic