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Tag Archives: curb
Some Portland weirdness
Oregon cyclist Hal Ballard posted this picture in a Facebook group. (You may or not be able to see the original post). You may click on the image for a larger view. Here is a Google Street View from before … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Bike lanes, SLM
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, crosswalk, curb, Oregon, Portland
An undertaking undertaking
I answered this question on the Quora question-answering site. Who is at fault if a driver undertakes you from behind you while you are safely making a left turn on a one-way road? First, let’ define “undertaking”. That doesn’t mean … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Bike lanes
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bikeway, collision, crash, curb, law, pvertaking, right hook, safety, undertaking
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Self-balancing motorcycle
Road and Track magazine has reported on a self-balancing motorcycle from Honda. How does the motorcycle balance itself? As shown in videos with the Road and Track article, the front fork is hinged so the front wheel can move forward, … Continue reading
The Slow Ride, redux
Bob Sutterfield writes: I don’t ride fast so I can participate safely in traffic. I participate in traffic so I can safely ride fast enough for my needs. If I were to ride in the gutter, on the bike path, … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, curb, cycle track, cycle tracks, path, pedestrian, safety, sidepath, slow, speed, Sutterfield, traffic, travel lane, vehicular
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Right-turn lane as dual-destination lane?
I’ve had criticism from an unusual side about the video below. The complaint, from another cyclist, was essentially that I was not following the rules of the road, not operating as the driver of a vehicle, by riding straight through … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike box, bike lane, bikeway, Boston, crash, curb, cycle track, Massachusetts, vehicular, video
Manufacturing traffic jams on Grand Street, Manhattan
Someone has watched my video of Grand Street, in Manhattan, and commented: John, I watched the Grand Street video (which was kind of fun) but I couldn’t help but notice you are passing a lot of cars, which makes your … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike box, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, bus, Canal Street, Chinatown, curb, cycle track, Gorton, Grand Street, Holland Tunnel, loading zone, Manhattan, Mark Gorton, New Jersey, New York, safety, sidepath, Streetfilms
The Gilham Road raised bike lane, Eugene, Oregon
I don’t think we are going to do that design again, but it was an interesting experiment. Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Cycle tracks, Sidepaths
Tagged bicycle, bike lane, crash, curb, cycle track, Eugene, mountable curb, Oregon, raised bike lane
Mountable curbs
Mountable curbs have been suggested as a way to separate bike lanes or so-called “cycle tracks” from the rest of the street. I am not in favor of such curbs. After all, any obstacle has hazard potential, and a mountable … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Bike lanes, Cycle tracks
Tagged bicycle, bike, bike lane, Cape Cod berm, crash, curb, drain, fall, gutter, mountable, mountable curb, sloped curb, snow, snowplowing, storm drain
Davis Planners and Advocates Opine on Sidepaths
This post supplements my previous post linking to documents about Davis bicycle facilities. Please bear in mind that Davis was the first community to introduce bike lanes in the USA, and that its bicycle program strongly favors conventional bike lanes, … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Bike lanes, Crashes, Cycle tracks, Sidepaths
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, buffer, California, crosswalk, curb, cycle track, Davis, experimentation, protected, safety, vehicle, vehicular