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Tag Archives: cycle track
Ciccarelli on cycle tracks
John Ciccarelli is a consultant on bicycling and a League of American Bicyclists-certified cycling instructor who specializes in teaching adults who have never ridden a bicycle before. His comments here are reprinted by permission, and are in response to an … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Cycle tracks, Laws, New York City, Sidepaths
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bikeway, Ciccarelli, Copenhagen, curb, cycle track, cycle tracks, Denmark, Europe, Holland, John Ciccarelli, law, Netherlands, safety, sidepaths, USA, vehicle, vehicular
Concord Avenue dream and nightmare
(The links below will work better if you first click on the headline above so you are viewing only this single post). Overview | Present Road Diet | Proposed Footprint |Crash Risks | Operational Issues | Suggestions | Details | … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Cycle tracks
Tagged Cambridge, Cara Seiderman, Concord Avenue, cycle track, Massachusetts, Seiderman, sidepath
Copenhagen in 1937 — what can it tell us?
I thank Ralph Fertig of the Santa Barbara, California Bicycle Coalition for drawing the attention of the bicycling community to the following fascinating travelogue from Copenhagen, shot in Technicolor in 1937. Not all of the film is about bicycling, but … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Cycle tracks, traffic circles
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bikeway, Copenhagen, cycle track, Denmark, Europe, vehicular, Vikings
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Guest posting: John Ciccarelli on the NYC Broadway bikeway
“The city has removed one or two travel lanes and created an in-street pedestrian “plaza”, completed with a right-side fence-and-planter barrier, cafe tables, chairs and benches. It’s truly a bold stroke in taking back the street for living, and it was immediately and hugely popular with residents and visitors, but it creates horrendous pedestrian cross-flow issues for the bikeway that runs between it and the sidewalk.” Continue reading
Posted in Sidepaths
Tagged bicycle, crosswalk, cycle track, Manhattan, New York, pedestrian, sidepath, traffic
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