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Tag Archives: cycle tracks
Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC: Incredible Shrinking Bike Lanes
Slam dunk indeed. It turned out that bicyclists were slammed, and dunked.
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Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Bike lanes
Tagged bicycle, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, crash, crosswalk, cycle track, cycle tracks, DC, District of Columbia, League of American Bicyclists, motor vehicle, pedestrian, safety, traffic, traffic calming, traffic signal, vehicle, Washington
Ciccarelli on cycle tracks
John Ciccarelli is a consultant on bicycling and a League of American Bicyclists-certified cycling instructor who specializes in teaching adults who have never ridden a bicycle before. His comments here are reprinted by permission, and are in response to an … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Cycle tracks, Laws, New York City, Sidepaths
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bikeway, Ciccarelli, Copenhagen, curb, cycle track, cycle tracks, Denmark, Europe, Holland, John Ciccarelli, law, Netherlands, safety, sidepaths, USA, vehicle, vehicular
Safe separation with the Copenhagen curb?
How does a Copenhagen cycle track make bicycling safer? By putting bicyclists behind a low curb, a curb which a motor vehicle with its big tires can mount, but a bicycle can’t. The curb increases safety for bicyclists the way … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Cycle tracks, Sidepaths
Tagged bicycle, Copenhagen, curb, cycle tracks, pedestrians