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A Cyclist Signs Up for Advanced Driver Training
What was an avid cyclist doing in a place like this? Advanced Driver Training, September 25, 2011 from John Allen on Vimeo. I like to ride my bicycle but sometimes I have to drive. Over 40 years ago on dirt … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Crashes
Tagged ABS, antilock, antilock braking, antilock braking system, bicycle, Bicycling, braking, collision, crash, Driveincontrol.com, Driver Training, driving, hazard, hazard avoidance, hazard prediction, hydroplaning, IncControl, Incontrol Advanced Driver Training, license, Massachusetts, motor vehicle, safety, sipes, SUV, swerving, tires, traction, traffic, vehicle, video
Six categories of bicyclist/motorist interaction
Let me propose six different categories of cyclist and motorist interaction. This is a first try, so it’s open to modification. 1) Vehicular — to quote John Forester, who developed the concept of vehicular cycling, “bicyclists fare best when they … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged bicycle, collision, crossing, driving, interaction, intersection, marking, merge, motor vehicle, pedestrian, plaza, riding, sign, traffic, turning, vehiicular