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Tag Archives: League of American Bicyclists
I get a hug during CyclingSavvy instructor training.
I have operated my bicycle essentially as a driver since 1978, when I read an early edition of John Forester’s book Effective Cycling. Since 1982, I’ve been an Effective Cycling Instructor, then League Cycling Instructor, in the League of American … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged ABEA, bicycle, Bicycling, Boston, CyclingSavvy, Forester, John Froester, League of American Bicyclists, safety, Smart Cycling, traffic, vehicular
Building bridges?
There’s lots of material about Boston in this League of American Bicyclists policy document about bridge access: http://www.bikeleague.org/resources/reports/pdfs/bridges.pdf I regard the document as good in its recommendations on advocacy strategies. It does overemphasize separate bikeways over shoulder and bike lane … Continue reading
Bob Mionske on “Driver Sues Family of Deceased Cyclist”
In a Bicycling Magazine blog posting, Bicycling attorney Bob Mionske describes an appalling situation: a motorist driving over 80 mph in a 45 mph zone struck and killed a teenage bicyclist in Connecticut. The bicyclist’s family sued the driver — … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Equipment, Laws
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, Bob Mionske, civil action, collision, Connecticut, crash, helmet, law, League of American Bicyclists, League of American Wheelmen, liability exclusion, Massachusetts, Mionske, Robert Mionske, Safe Kids USA, safety equipment, traffic
Support petition candidates in League of American Bicyclists election.
Three League of American Bicyclists members are petitioning to run as candidates for the Board of Directors. They have asked me to post their message, and here it is. I have signed their petition and I suggest that if you … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, candidates, election, League of American Bicyclists
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Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC: Incredible Shrinking Bike Lanes
Slam dunk indeed. It turned out that bicyclists were slammed, and dunked.
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Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Bike lanes
Tagged bicycle, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, crash, crosswalk, cycle track, cycle tracks, DC, District of Columbia, League of American Bicyclists, motor vehicle, pedestrian, safety, traffic, traffic calming, traffic signal, vehicle, Washington
Review of New York Times article of June 5, 2007
This is a review of the article Cars and Bikes Can Mix, When the Rules of the Road Are Clear, which appeared in the New York Times on June 5, 2007 and is available online. That’s a good headline, except … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Crashes, Laws, Reviews
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bikeway, Brody, crash, crashes, fatalities, helmet, Jane Brody, Jane E. Brody, League of American Bicyclists, Manhattan, New York, New York Times, safety
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