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Tag Archives: sidewalk
Mighk Wilson’s report on Orlando bicycle crashes
Mighk Wilson, who works for the Orlando, Florida metropolitan planning organization, has prepared a very interesting study of bicycle crashes in the Orlando area based on a database of 5,000 crashes, 2011-2017. The study is important in that it distinguishes … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Bike lanes, Crashes, Cycle tracks, Sidepaths
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, collision, crash, cycle track, cycle tracks, Florida, Metroplan Orlando, Mighk Wilson, motor vehicle, Orlando, research, safety, sidepath, sidewalk, traffic
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RRFBs: Time for Co-opetition
The US Federal Highway Administration has withdrawn its interim approval of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) because a company which makes them has patented them. This is a serious public-policy error. The RRFB has proved effective at increasing compliance of … Continue reading
Posted in traffic circles, Traffic Signals
Tagged advocacy, bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, crash, crosswalk, DC, District of Columbia, RRFB, safety, sidewalk, traffic signal
Some Dutch roundabouts
(Edited and updated March 30, 2024) Dutch roundabouts have received a lot of publicity, notably here: https://bicycledutch.wordpress.com/tag/roundabout/ Roundabout design in the Netherlands has seen a long process of trial and error. A design used until bicyclists complained strongly enough about … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Roundabouts, shared space, Sidepaths, traffic circles
Tagged bikeway, collision, crosswalk, cycle track, cycle tracks, Dutch, Europe, Netherlands, pedestrian, roundabout, safety, sidepath, sidewalk, traffic, turbo, yield
Ogden, Utah skateboarder stop
There’s plenty of confusion to go around here. http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=35631391 Deputy: “I don’t care, you’re right in the middle of the road.” No, the boarder was on the shoulder, at least in the part of the video the TV station broadcast. … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Bike lanes
Tagged law, Ogden, pedestrian, police, sidewalk, skateboard, traffic, Utah, vehicle
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Bike Box at Charlesgate East
This post is about the intersection of Commonwealth Avenue eastbound and Charlesgate East in Boston, Massachusetts, an intersection with a “bike box” — a waiting area for bicyclists downstream of where motorists stop for traffic signals. More generally, this post … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike box, bike lane, Boston, crash, crosswalk, law, Massachusetts, motor vehicle, Oregon, pedestrian, safety, sidewalk, traffic signal, vehicle, vehicular, video
Cycle track mania on the slippery slope in Somerville, Massachusetts
My attention recently was drawn to a proposed project for Beacon Street in Somerville Massachusetts, a couple of towns away from where I live.. A presentation from a public meeting is online here: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1Y_jIpLYtpycEZNOUVTNUYxQVU/edit (I was unfortunately not able to … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged beacon, Beacon Street, bicycle, Bicycling, bike lane, bike path, bikeway, Boston, collision, crash, crosswalk, cycle tracks, Massachusetts, pedestrian, safety, sidepath, sidewalk, Somervill, vehicle, vehicular
On the Dangerous by Design report
I’m commenting briefly on a report about walking conditions in the USA at http://t4america.org/docs/dbd2011/Dangerous-by-Design-2011.pdf which has been cited in a New York Times article today. I regard this report as generally good in its description of walking conditions. It is … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Bike lanes
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike path, Boston, crosswalk, Dangerous by Design, New York Times, Orlando, pedestrian, safety, sidewalk, traffic, traffic calming, walking
Railroad crossout
Here are some photos of Massachusetts Route 117 at the diagonal crossing of the Fitchburg Line railroad tracks, in Lincoln, Massachusetts, USA. The location, in Google Maps: View Larger Map Google Street View photo, looking west, from approximately 2008. Note … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged beacon, bicycle, crossing, gate, law, Lincoln, Massachusetts, median, MGL, railroad, railway, sidewalk, telephone pole, Thoreau, utility pole