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Tag Archives: traffic
A Cyclist Signs Up for Advanced Driver Training
What was an avid cyclist doing in a place like this? Advanced Driver Training, September 25, 2011 from John Allen on Vimeo. I like to ride my bicycle but sometimes I have to drive. Over 40 years ago on dirt … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Crashes
Tagged ABS, antilock, antilock braking, antilock braking system, bicycle, Bicycling, braking, collision, crash, Driveincontrol.com, Driver Training, driving, hazard, hazard avoidance, hazard prediction, hydroplaning, IncControl, Incontrol Advanced Driver Training, license, Massachusetts, motor vehicle, safety, sipes, SUV, swerving, tires, traction, traffic, vehicle, video
Scaling up and scaling down
New York bicycling advocate Steve Faust has stated that some ways of accommodating bicycling do not “scale up” — that is, they work with small numbers of cyclists, but less well with larger numbers. His central complaint is that use … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycle facilities, Bicycling, Bike box, Bike lanes, New York City, Traffic Signals
Tagged advanced stop line, bicycle, Bicycling, bike box, bike lane, collision, crash, crosswalk, Oregon, Portland, safety, traffic, traffic signal, vehicle
Review of the Austin shared-lane marking report
The City of Austin, Texas, working with researchers from the University of Texas, has prepared a report on shared-lane markings. This is available at http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/publicworks/downloads/ctr_sharrows_report.pdf I understand that this report also has been published in the Journal of the Institute … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, SLM
Tagged Austin, bicycle, Institute of Traffic Engineers, ITE, lane, report, research, shared lane marking, sharrow, SLM, Texas, traffic, University of Texas, UT Austin
On the Dangerous by Design report
I’m commenting briefly on a report about walking conditions in the USA at http://t4america.org/docs/dbd2011/Dangerous-by-Design-2011.pdf which has been cited in a New York Times article today. I regard this report as generally good in its description of walking conditions. It is … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Bike lanes
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, bike path, Boston, crosswalk, Dangerous by Design, New York Times, Orlando, pedestrian, safety, sidewalk, traffic, traffic calming, walking
Gimme a brake
June 1, 2011, started as a sunny day and I cycled to a meeting a few miles away from my home near Boston, Massachusetts, in clear weather. News of violent thunderstorms and tornadoes to the west came to the meeting … Continue reading
Six categories of bicyclist/motorist interaction
Let me propose six different categories of cyclist and motorist interaction. This is a first try, so it’s open to modification. 1) Vehicular — to quote John Forester, who developed the concept of vehicular cycling, “bicyclists fare best when they … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling
Tagged bicycle, collision, crossing, driving, interaction, intersection, marking, merge, motor vehicle, pedestrian, plaza, riding, sign, traffic, turning, vehiicular
Traffic theory: improving traffic signals to reduce pointless delay
In theory, there’s no difference between theory and practice, but it practice, there is. attributed to: Yogi Berra Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut Albert Einstein An optimal traffic-signal system would never present anyone with a red light or a … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Crashes, Traffic Signals
Tagged actuator, bicycle, Bicycling, collision, collision avoidance, crash, Intelligent Highwya Systems, pedestrian, safety, traffic, traffic signal, vehicle
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Classic bicycling instructional film now online
The classic instructional film Bicycling Safely on the Road is now online, thanks to League of American bicyclists instructors Martin Pion and Dan Carrigan. The film is 25 minutes long. Dan has asked me to compose this announcement, as I … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Reviews, Videos
Tagged Bicycling, braking, Effecvtive Cycling, emergency maneuvers, Forester, safety, traffic, turning, vehicular, video
Street Traffic Regulations: classic book online
My friend Bob Shanteau writes: Another reason scofflaws give [to justify their behavior] is that traffic laws are intended only for motorists, reflecting a total ignorance of the origins of those laws. Google has made the 1909 book “Street Traffic … Continue reading
Posted in Bicycling, Books, Reviews
Tagged bicycle, Bicycling, book, collision, education, Eno, law, motor vehicle, pedestrian, rules of the road, safety, Street Traffic Regulation, traffic, vehicle, vehicular, William Eno, William Phelps Eno
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