Bicyclist falls under bus on Huntington Avenue, dies

Tragic occurrence.

Unfortunately, neither article gives enough detail to say why this happened. But according to several commenter eyewitnesses on the Herald blog, the bicyclist got a wheel caught in the trolley tracks in the street.

The bicyclist and bus were eastbound according to the Globe.

I got an e-mail passing along information from the Boston Channel that the bicyclist was trying to pry his wheels out of the tracks and was struck by the rear of an eastbound bus. Eastbound is not what I expected, and a bicyclist wouldn’t be struck by the rear of a bus unless it was backing up. More likely, the side of the bus.

What lanes were they in?

Did the bus scrape the end of the bicyclist’s handlebar? If he was going faster than the bus, that would have turned the handlebar toward the bus and dumped the bicyclist to the left; or vice versa.

How close was the bicyclist to the side of the bus?

Was there other traffic besides the bicyclist to the left of the bus?

Did the bus merge toward the bicyclist?

Was the bicyclist going faster than the bus, or vice versa?

What kind of investigation is underway?

Many bicyclists unreasonably fear the traffic from behind and ride close to the side of a bus, leaving them entirely defenseless if the bus merges toward them. When I was new to urban riding, that is what I did — or sometimes, I would pass a stopped bus on the right — risking collisions with passengers getting on and off the bus. I knew this wasn’t safe, but I didn’t understand yet that overtaking collisions are rare, and the safe thing was to claim the space I needed for my safety.

My fundamental rule about passing large buses and trucks: merge out before reaching the bus, and stay at least 5 feet away from the side of one — claim the entire next lane if needed — so you are where the bus driver can see you and expects traffic, and so you can brake and fall back if the bus picks up speed and/or starts to merge toward you. This is the safe way to pass a bus — and it is often necessary to pass one, because buses frequently stop.

Trolley tracks need to be crossed at a sharp angle, or jumped over. It’s best to avoid them where any other complication might occur.

More about bicyclists and buses.


4 responses to “Bicyclist falls under bus on Huntington Avenue, dies”

  1. “Trolley tracks need to be crossed at a sharp angle, or jumped over.”

    Yes, unfortunately it sounds like that’s what this accident comes down to. The rider attempted an unsafe maneuver and lost. When I move in a couple of weeks, my new bike commute will take me through this intersection. I’m sure this story will be in my head every time I pass that spot.

  2. Based on the latest Globe article, it sounds like the most likely scenario is that the bicyclist was attempting to pass a slow bus, which is what led him to the left lane, when his bike fell due to riding along the trolley tracks, sending him underneath the bus.

  3. ChrisB Avatar

    I am also unclear about the details, but buses do not pull fully into the stops making overtaking them a necessary and dangerous maneuver. The tracks don’t help either.

  4. jsallen Avatar

    Google Street View shows that the nearby bus stop is on South Huntington Avenue before the turn onto Huntington Avenue. There is a bulbout on the dorner, and a bus would have to swing wide when making the right turn.

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