Governor Deval Patrick announces commitment to a major expansion in the I-90 Interchange project, 2:40 PM, September 18, 2014, Beacon Yards, Allston section of Boston, Massachusetts. The abandoned rail yards are now a 22-acre wasteland in the middle of the City of Boston. Funding, 1/3 from the Commonwealth, 1/3 from Harvard University and 1/3 from an unnamed third party will expand the project beyond replacement of an aging Turnpike viaduct, to construct West Station, providing rail access to the Boston University campus; improved rail service; bicycle and pedestrian connections including crossings of the barrier which the rail yards have imposed for many decades. This is the biggest development project in Boston since the filling of Back Bay over 100 years ago. I bicycled 7 miles each way in the rain to be there for the announcement, and I don’t regret it one bit!
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