Category: Design
Report on Belmont Community Path Public Meeting, January 22, 2014
The Selectmen of the Town of Belmont appointed a Community Path Advisory Committee about a year ago, and held a public meeting about the Community Path, which I attended last night. The Community path would go east-west through Belmont, and would be a segment of the Mass Central Rail Trail, which when complete, would run…
My Comments on the Cambridge Street Bridge project
My comment letter may be found at this URL. It is a PDF file. I agree with many of the suggestions made by other commenters, though not all, and I made some additional suggestions.
About the shared-lane markings on Brighton Avenue…
I’m commenting here on the November 20, 2013 Boston Globe/ article about “shared lane markings on steroids” on Brighton Avenue in the Allston section of Boston, as shown in this Boston Globe photo: The article may be addressed through libraries by going here and searching on <Boston sharrows steroids>. I have known Brighton Avenue for…
My comments about Arlington Center
I’ve posted extensive comments about the proposed design for the Arlington Center gap in the Minuteman Commuter bikeway on my personal blog. In my opinion, the proposed design fails for bicyclists of all ages and levels of experience. I suggest designs which, in my opinion, would succeed. There will be a public meeting about the…
Report on public hearing on Causeway Street project
This is a detailed report on the 25% design phase public hearing about reconstruction of Causeway Street, held at TD BankNorth Garden, August 8, 2012 Video of the meeting — and the north End Waterfront Association has numerous videos of subsequent meetings. The meeting was a bit hard to find — entry was just inside…
My opinions about the Causeway Street project
[Interpolated comments as of December 30, 2024] The discussion about bicycling at last night’s public hearing about Causeway Street reconstruction quickly devolved into a debate between the consultant and various advocates over whether there should be a “cycle track” on Causeway Street. Advocates for the cycle track included Steve Miller from Livable Streets, and two…
My comments on the River Street-Western Avenue bridge project
I apologize for not posting these earlier…got tied up with other things after I submitted the comments. I have an earlier post about these bridges, here: You will find the 25% plans for the River Street-Western Avenue bridge project here: [No longer available and not in the internet Archive] My comments: Summary: The…
My comments on the Fore River Bridge
I submitted the comments below in response to the Massbike comments here: [Scroll down past the unformatted list to view the content.] The comments below are a slightly expanded version of ones I left on that Massbike blog post. I see that the page now indicates “comments are closed”. Well, not only closed, but…
Letter to Sen. Brown on Federal mandatory sidepath provision
Boston area cyclists — I have sent the following e-mail to erika(underline)paulhus at scottbrown dot senate dot gov, in Sen. Scott Brown’s Boston office. I intend to do the same for Sen. Kerry, and for Rep. Markey. I encourage you to express your opinions as well. ************* Ms. Paulhus — Caroline, in Sen. Brown’s Boston…
Comments on Arlington Center Proposal
I attended the Wednesday, January 12 meeting about closing the gap in the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway in Arlington, and I have submitted the written comments that follow. But first, some links: The proposed design options for the Minuteman path are described here: Adam Auster’s excellent report on Wednesday night’s public meeting is here:…