Category: Laws
Massachusetts law omissions
In a previous post, I mentioned that Massachusetts General Laws include no requirement to wait at a red traffic signal. Here are details, from a search of the Massachusetts General Laws online, . Chapter 89, section 8 of the General Laws includes rules for drivers to stop at a stop sign or flashing red…
Micromobility bills before the Massachusetts Legislature, 2019
I have prepared extensive comments on transportation bills currently in the Massachusetts legislature. Most bills are about micromobility devices, electric bicycles and various safety measures. My comments also include a slightly different version of the observations about Massachusetts traffic law in general which I have posted elsewhere.
Massachusetts traffic law, the nation’s most disorganized and confusing
As my comments on Massachusetts traffic law may be of interest to people outside Massachusetts, I have posted the comment in a different blog.
Some questions about bicyclists’ rights in Massachusetts
The bicyclists’ advocacy organization Massbike has as of today, November 27, 2018, posted a quiz online and promoted it in an e-mail, and the first question is “True or false: Massachusetts law considers a bicycle to be a vehicle.” Massbike says true, and gives this explanation: It’s true! The law considers a bike a vehicle.…
The 2015-2016 crop of bills in the Massachusetts legislature
My opinion on these proposals, in general: all well-intentioned, but the the law of unintended consequences comes into play with some. S. 1117, sponsored by Sen. Brownsberger of Watertown, by striking out the words “16 years of age or younger”, would require bicyclists of all ages to wear a helmet, and would encourage bicyclists to…
My opinions on the bills before the Massachusetts General Court
I can’t go to the Wednesday, January 6 hearing on transportation bills, because I’ll be out of town on business, but here’s my take (and be sure to read through to the last bill on which I comment: it’s one of the most important, and we should oppose it). My opinions are based on my…
Massachusetts low-speed motor vehicle law
It is legal to operate a farm tractor, horsedrawn carriage, construction equipment, bicycle or motorized bicycle (moped) on any public way in the Commonwealth except for limited-access and express state highways. The rules for low-speed motor vehicles are far, far more restrictive, making these unusable for many trips even including short trips. The law is…
Massachusetts Motorized Bicycle and “Motorized Scooter” Law — a Mess
[Note — these comments have been rendered partially obsolete by legislation enacted in 2023. Laws for bicycles now apply to electric bicycles with a top assisted speed of 20 mph. Electric bicycles with a top speed of 28 mph (Class 3 as usually defined) are still defined as motorized scooters as of this writing in…
A Discussion of Massachusetts Rules on Crosswalks
This appeared on the BostonAreaCycling e-mail list. It deserves repeating. On Jun 29, 2014, at 10:13 PM, David Wean wrote: Vehicle operators are required to stop once pedestrians enter the crosswalk (or when they are, IIRC, within 10 feet of the lane the vehicle is in). A concern I have is that treating cyclists the…
Bike Safe Boston
I’ve been looking at a blog called “Bike Safe Boston”. I wrote the following as a comment in response to a post in which the blogger expressed enthusiasm [archived] about the Massachusetts law which prevents a left-turning driver from holding a bicyclist at fault in a collision when the bicyclist was overtaking on the right.…