Category: Laws

  • Where will you find Massachusetts Rules for Driving?

    [Updated January 6, 2025] Massachusetts rules for driving are found in many different documents. These apply in different places, so depending on where you are, different rules may apply. The most generally applicable rules for driving are found in Chapter 89 of the General Laws. Specific rules which apply to bicyclists are in Chapter 85,…

  • Nasty law covers electrically-assisted bicycles

    Electrically-assisted bicycles are becoming increasingly popular. Please see my post about them on my personal blog for more detail about this phenomenon. [And a later post on this blog] This definition in Chapter 90, section 1 of the Massachusetts General Laws appears to cover electrically-assisted bicycles: [Updated in 2023 to define electrically-assisted bicycles with a…

  • Menino proposes to increase fines…

    My son brought home a copy of the Metro newspaper on Monday, January 26. He picked it up on the T, and the front-page headline was that Mayor Menino has introduced a bill to raise the fine for for bicyclists’ traffic infractions from $20 to $150. There was a spirited rejoinder by Massbike Executive Director…