About bicycling issues in eastern Massachusetts, especially the Boston urban area.
The comments below were addressed to Patricia Leavenworth, Chief Engineer at MassDOT. ATTN: Bridge Project Management, Project File No. 604173 Dear Ms. Leavenworth: I attended the 75% design about the North Washington Street bridge project on October 19, and I…
A response to Steve Miller
The paragraph below is a response to Steve Miller’s call for “better bike lanes” [December 25, 2024: retrieved from the Internet Archive] — separated on-street bikeways — on his blog. I also published the paragraph as a comment on his…
Forcing the right hook at Mass and Beacon
The installation of a separated bikeway on Massachusetts Avenue in Boston, leading from the Harvard Bridge to Beacon Street, forces motorists to turn right from the left lane — and establishes as the norm, bicyclists’ overtaking on the right, just…
Gillooly’s presentation
Deputy Commissioner James Gillooly’s presentation about the planned separate bikeways on Commonwealth Avenue is online at the URL below. I have prespred a version synchronized to his talk about it at the 2015 Massachusetts Moving Together conference. Gillooly, J. (2015,…
The 2015-2016 crop of bills in the Massachusetts legislature
My opinion on these proposals, in general: all well-intentioned, but the the law of unintended consequences comes into play with some. S. 1117, sponsored by Sen. Brownsberger of Watertown, by striking out the words “16 years of age or younger”,…
Is it all right?
At the Boston Bicycle Safety Summit, February 23, 2016, in a small breakout group, Cyclist Jonathan Traum drew a sketch like this: (Thanks to John Schubert for this version, which looks like Traum’s, only neater.) Traum indicated that the right-hook…
Arlington Center Safe Travel Project update
Arlington Center has presented a major problem for the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway (rail trail) since its opening. For people who are not familiar with the situation in Arlington Center, the rail line passed diagonally through the middle of town, crossing…
For a real People’s Pike
“People’s Pike” is a group of citizens with concerns about the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s I-90 Allston Interchange project, the main goal of which has been to replace the deteriorating Massachusetts Turnpike viaduct. The People’s Pike group is concerned mostly…
What’s wrong with this picture?
As hunting seasons are introduced to control the deer population in Boston suburbs and nearby parklands, I’m reminded of an article which appeared in the alumni magazine of Middlebury College, one of my alma maters. The article told how Middlebury…
My opinions on the bills before the Massachusetts General Court
I can’t go to the Wednesday, January 6 hearing on transportation bills, because I’ll be out of town on business, but here’s my take (and be sure to read through to the last bill on which I comment: it’s one…
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