Tag: bicycle
My comments on the River Street-Western Avenue bridge project
I apologize for not posting these earlier…got tied up with other things after I submitted the comments. I have an earlier post about these bridges, here: You will find the 25% plans for the River Street-Western Avenue bridge project here: http://massdot.state.ma.us/charlesriverbridges/WesternAveRiverStBridgeDocuments.html [No longer available and not in the internet Archive] My comments: https://john-s-allen.com/reports/riverandwestern.doc Summary: The…
Analysis of last December’s fatal crash at MIT
The MIT student newspaper, The Tech, has obtained police reports about last December’s fatal bicycle-truck collision at Massachusetts Avenue and Vassar Street in Cambridge. I have reviewed the story in The Tech and the police reports, and posted my review on the Cambridge Civic Forum blog.
ShelBroCo American Way bicycles
New! Exclusive! Now thanks to ShelBroCo, you can OWN the urban bicycle of your dreams! Take your stand for the American Way!
My comments on the Fore River Bridge
I submitted the comments below in response to the Massbike comments here: http://massbike.org/blog/2012/02/24/massdot-make-the-fore-river-bridge-better-for-biking/ [Scroll down past the unformatted list to view the content.] The comments below are a slightly expanded version of ones I left on that Massbike blog post. I see that the page now indicates “comments are closed”. Well, not only closed, but…
My comments on the Longfellow Bridge reconstruction
Note: the report on which I commented is online at this address: http://app1.massdot.state.ma.us/CharlesRiverBridges/LongfellowBridgeEA.html [document no longer available and never archived.] Comments must be received by tomorrow, so you still have time if you really hurry! *********** March 19, 2012 Pamela S. Stephenson, Division Administrator, Federal Highway Administration, 55 Broadway, 10th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02142 Attention:…
Letter to Sen. Brown on Federal mandatory sidepath provision
Boston area cyclists — I have sent the following e-mail to erika(underline)paulhus at scottbrown dot senate dot gov, in Sen. Scott Brown’s Boston office. I intend to do the same for Sen. Kerry, and for Rep. Markey. I encourage you to express your opinions as well. ************* Ms. Paulhus — Caroline, in Sen. Brown’s Boston…
Background on the River Street and Western Avenue bridges; public hearings
[Note: major changes to this intersection occurred following this post. I don’t take credit for initating them.] I thank Jessica Mink for posting a notice on the Massbike Boston announcements list about the public hearings on the River Street and Western Avenue bridges. I repeat the notice below. Concerning conditions where the PDW path crosses…
Comments on Arlington Center Proposal
I attended the Wednesday, January 12 meeting about closing the gap in the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway in Arlington, and I have submitted the written comments that follow. But first, some links: The proposed design options for the Minuteman path are described here: http://www.arlingtonma.gov/Public_Documents/ArlingtonMA_DPW/projects/ArlCtrSafeTravel/ACST_MemoPres11212011.pdf Adam Auster’s excellent report on Wednesday night’s public meeting is here: https://tinyurl.com/ArlMtg…
Clyde and Lee Street Proposal: Bicyclists’ Dreamroute?
Four students of Northeastern University professor Peter Furth have proposed a transformation of Lee and Clyde Streets in Brookline. These streets in the southwest part of Brookline connect Route 9 at one end with Newton Street at the other, and are an important if not very heavily-traveled arterial route. The streets pass the Brookline Reservoir,…