Tag: law
Massachusetts law omissions
In a previous post, I mentioned that Massachusetts General Laws include no requirement to wait at a red traffic signal. Here are details, from a search of the Massachusetts General Laws online, http://www.state.ma.us/legis/laws/mgl/ . Chapter 89, section 8 of the General Laws includes rules for drivers to stop at a stop sign or flashing red…
Micromobility bills before the Massachusetts Legislature, 2019
I have prepared extensive comments on transportation bills currently in the Massachusetts legislature. Most bills are about micromobility devices, electric bicycles and various safety measures. My comments also include a slightly different version of the observations about Massachusetts traffic law in general which I have posted elsewhere.
Massachusetts traffic law, the nation’s most disorganized and confusing
As my comments on Massachusetts traffic law may be of interest to people outside Massachusetts, I have posted the comment in a different blog.
A Discussion of Massachusetts Rules on Crosswalks
This appeared on the BostonAreaCycling e-mail list. It deserves repeating. On Jun 29, 2014, at 10:13 PM, David Wean wrote: Vehicle operators are required to stop once pedestrians enter the crosswalk (or when they are, IIRC, within 10 feet of the lane the vehicle is in). A concern I have is that treating cyclists the…
Nasty law covers electrically-assisted bicycles
Electrically-assisted bicycles are becoming increasingly popular. Please see my post about them on my personal blog for more detail about this phenomenon. [And a later post on this blog] This definition in Chapter 90, section 1 of the Massachusetts General Laws appears to cover electrically-assisted bicycles: [Updated in 2023 to define electrically-assisted bicycles with a…