Tag: Massachusetts

  • Bike Safe Boston

    I’ve been looking at a blog called “Bike Safe Boston”. I wrote the following as a comment in response to a post in which the blogger expressed enthusiasm [archived] about the Massachusetts law which prevents a left-turning driver from holding a bicyclist at fault in a collision when the bicyclist was overtaking on the right.…

  • Report on public hearing on Causeway Street project

    This is a detailed report on the 25% design phase public hearing about reconstruction of Causeway Street, held at TD BankNorth Garden, August 8, 2012 Video of the meeting — and the north End Waterfront Association has numerous videos of subsequent meetings. The meeting was a bit hard to find — entry was just inside…

  • My opinions about the Causeway Street project

    [Interpolated comments as of December 30, 2024] The discussion about bicycling at last night’s public hearing about Causeway Street reconstruction quickly devolved into a debate between the consultant and various advocates over whether there should be a “cycle track” on Causeway Street. Advocates for the cycle track included Steve Miller from Livable Streets, and two…

  • My comments on the River Street-Western Avenue bridge project

    I apologize for not posting these earlier…got tied up with other things after I submitted the comments. I have an earlier post about these bridges, here: You will find the 25% plans for the River Street-Western Avenue bridge project here: http://massdot.state.ma.us/charlesriverbridges/WesternAveRiverStBridgeDocuments.html [No longer available and not in the internet Archive] My comments: https://john-s-allen.com/reports/riverandwestern.doc Summary: The…

  • Analysis of last December’s fatal crash at MIT

    The MIT student newspaper, The Tech, has obtained police reports about last December’s fatal bicycle-truck collision at Massachusetts Avenue and Vassar Street in Cambridge. I have reviewed the story in The Tech and the police reports, and posted my review on the Cambridge Civic Forum blog.

  • ShelBroCo American Way bicycles

    New! Exclusive! Now thanks to ShelBroCo, you can OWN the urban bicycle of your dreams! Take your stand for the American Way!

  • My comments on the Fore River Bridge

    I submitted the comments below in response to the Massbike comments here: http://massbike.org/blog/2012/02/24/massdot-make-the-fore-river-bridge-better-for-biking/ [Scroll down past the unformatted list to view the content.] The comments below are a slightly expanded version of ones I left on that Massbike blog post. I see that the page now indicates “comments are closed”. Well, not only closed, but…

  • My comments on the Longfellow Bridge reconstruction

    Note: the report on which I commented is online at this address: http://app1.massdot.state.ma.us/CharlesRiverBridges/LongfellowBridgeEA.html [document no longer available and never archived.] Comments must be received by tomorrow, so you still have time if you really hurry! *********** March 19, 2012 Pamela S. Stephenson, Division Administrator, Federal Highway Administration, 55 Broadway, 10th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02142 Attention:…

  • Letter to Sen. Brown on Federal mandatory sidepath provision

    Boston area cyclists — I have sent the following e-mail to erika(underline)paulhus at scottbrown dot senate dot gov, in Sen. Scott Brown’s Boston office. I intend to do the same for Sen. Kerry, and for Rep. Markey. I encourage you to express your opinions as well. ************* Ms. Paulhus — Caroline, in Sen. Brown’s Boston…

  • Background on the River Street and Western Avenue bridges; public hearings

    [Note: major changes to this intersection occurred following this post. I don’t take credit for initating them.] I thank Jessica Mink for posting a notice on the Massbike Boston announcements list about the public hearings on the River Street and Western Avenue bridges. I repeat the notice below. Concerning conditions where the PDW path crosses…