Tag: right hook

  • A shared-lane marking placement

    Dorchester Avenue at Savin Hill Avenue, Boston, August, 2014, from a Google Street View: The door zone bike lane ends and then a shared-lane marking directs bicyclists to zigzag to the right where they are exposed to right-hook and left-cross risks. A right hook occurred here on May 21, 2012. More recently, the bike lane…

  • Bike lane quiz

    How many hazards can you see for a bicyclist in the location shown in this Google Street view? A bicyclist in the bike lane in the camera location would just be appearing to the driver of the red car from concealment by parked cars (behind the camera), risking a motorist drive-out. A motorist behind the…

  • Sparks Street

    Let’s have a look at Huron Avenue in Cambridge, Massachusetts as it crosses Sparks Street and Royal Avenue.This stretch is downhill right to left in the overhead view. The buffer is on the wrong side of the bike lane, placing it in the door zone. Faster bicyclists can travel as fast or nearly as fast…

  • Making Commonwealth Avenue work for everyone?

    The Barr Foundation has published an interview with Livable Streets Executive Director Jackie Douglas under the headline “Making Our Streets Work for Everyone”. The main point which Douglas makes is that progress, and a victory, as she describes it, were achieved by bringing groups with different interests onto the same page. The Boston Globe published…

  • Meng Jin, and Charles River Dam Road

    MIT student Meng Jin died as he rode up to and past the corner in a bike lane on Museum Way, to the right of a truck that turned right onto Charles River Dam Road. That tragedy has led to a call for barrier-separated bike lanes on Charles River Dam Road, a non sequitur, in…

  • Dummer yet

    Let’s take a look at the intersection of Essex Street with Dummer Street in Brookline over the years, with the aid of Google Street Views. Essex Street leads south from Commonwealth Avenue opposite the Boston University Bridge — see Google map. In 2007, Essex Street had parking on the west side, which resulted in wrong-way…

  • Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, Boston petition on Change.org

    One Joshua Grolman has published a petition on Change. org asking for “protected bike lanes” on Centre Street, the main street through the Jamaica Plain neighborhood in Boston. Centre Street is two-way, narrowed by parallel parking on both sides everywhere except at special locations — bus stops, turn lanes, approaches to intersections etc. While the…

  • Massachusetts Highway Department advice on bicycle detection

    The Massachusetts Department of Transportation Project Development and Design Guide, published in 2006, is recognized as pioneering in its call for street design “from the outside in,” recognizing the need to provide for pedestrians and bicyclists. The Guide is explicit in its requirement that traffic signals work for bicyclists, but does not give detailed actuator…

  • Fatal crash of November 9, 2018 in Cambridge, Massachusetts

    This morning’s fatal crash was reported by State Police as another in the string of tragic right-hook collisions which have become the largest cause of bicyclist fatalities in the Boston area. Once again, a bicyclist was crushed by a large truck which turned right.[ Update: the cyclist was Meng Jin, a male graduate student at…

  • Riding Lexington Street, Waltham, July 4, 2015

    It should be noted that bike lanes have been installed on much of the stretch of Lexington Street shown in the videos. Videos showing the new conditions are in preparation. Two videos, for now: A demonstration of lane control in a slow, uphill bicycle ride on a suburban speedway, with light, fast traffic. How controlling…