Tag: safety

  • Report on Longfellow Bridge public meeting, July 10, 2013

    I attended the Longfellow Bridge public meeting on July 10. The meeting started with an overview of the project by representatives of the consultants, then a description of Phase One of the project. Detour of outbound motor traffic is via Leverett Circle, where there will be signal timing and ped safety improvements. The route will…

  • You too can prevent fatal truck-bicycle collisions

    I am sick at heart. Last December we lost Chris Weigl, graduate student in journalism at Boston University, a young man of great promise, killed when a semitrailer truck ran over him on Commonwealth Avenue near the BU campus. The green arrow approximates Weigl’s line of travel; the red arrow, the truck’s. (Also see larger…

  • About Beacon Street, Somerville

    I am writing in response to Alex Epstein’s letter [sorry, it’s gone — no archive and no search on the site], published as an article in the Somerville Patch, concerning the proposed cycle track treatment on Beacon Street. I write as one of the cyclists who suggested an alternative design at community meetings and a…

  • Connecting the Boston University campus

    The Boston University campus is, let’s face it, a strip mall with classrooms. Commonwealth Avenue is the only way to get from one end of the campus to the other. Following the tragic death last December of Boston University student Chris Weigl, various suggestions have been made for how to improve Commonwealth Avenue. Here is…

  • Some thoughts about the Allston fatality

    [Follow-up note: this was the Chris Weigl fatality, See news story [archived]. [Boston Globe video with photos] [Comments by a consultant] I have cycled and motored through the crash location many times, and I’ve seen the photos — the trucker was making a wide right turn, necessarily slowly. The cyclist was traveling downhill, fast according…

  • Bike Safe Boston

    I’ve been looking at a blog called “Bike Safe Boston”. I wrote the following as a comment in response to a post in which the blogger expressed enthusiasm [archived] about the Massachusetts law which prevents a left-turning driver from holding a bicyclist at fault in a collision when the bicyclist was overtaking on the right.…

  • My comments on the River Street-Western Avenue bridge project

    I apologize for not posting these earlier…got tied up with other things after I submitted the comments. I have an earlier post about these bridges, here: You will find the 25% plans for the River Street-Western Avenue bridge project here: http://massdot.state.ma.us/charlesriverbridges/WesternAveRiverStBridgeDocuments.html [No longer available and not in the internet Archive] My comments: https://john-s-allen.com/reports/riverandwestern.doc Summary: The…

  • Analysis of last December’s fatal crash at MIT

    The MIT student newspaper, The Tech, has obtained police reports about last December’s fatal bicycle-truck collision at Massachusetts Avenue and Vassar Street in Cambridge. I have reviewed the story in The Tech and the police reports, and posted my review on the Cambridge Civic Forum blog.

  • My comments on the Fore River Bridge

    I submitted the comments below in response to the Massbike comments here: http://massbike.org/blog/2012/02/24/massdot-make-the-fore-river-bridge-better-for-biking/ [Scroll down past the unformatted list to view the content.] The comments below are a slightly expanded version of ones I left on that Massbike blog post. I see that the page now indicates “comments are closed”. Well, not only closed, but…

  • My comments on the Longfellow Bridge reconstruction

    Note: the report on which I commented is online at this address: http://app1.massdot.state.ma.us/CharlesRiverBridges/LongfellowBridgeEA.html [document no longer available and never archived.] Comments must be received by tomorrow, so you still have time if you really hurry! *********** March 19, 2012 Pamela S. Stephenson, Division Administrator, Federal Highway Administration, 55 Broadway, 10th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02142 Attention:…