Tag: traffic signal
MHD bicycle detection document
The Massachusetts Highway Department published the document Bicycle Detection at Signalized Intersections in 1998. This includes the recommendations for quadrupole loops in the 1986 San Diego study, which is cited as a reference. The Massachusetts document reflects progress, in recognizing the importance of bicycle detection, but includes some recommendations which reflect an inadequate understanding of…
The Boston Globe’s photo album
Ah, the Boston Globe. On the one side we have conservative columnist Jeff Jacoby in the Globe of September 1, 2015, suggesting that bicyclists should all go for a nice ride in the park and stay off the streets. Though I’m a registered Democrat and liberal to centrist on most political issues, I often find…
Boston Red Light Flub, Watertown Win!
Boston has been installing traffic-signal actuator loops that don’t work for bicyclists, and sometimes not even for motorists. Installing the right kind of loops doesn’t cost any more — it’s merely a question of cutting a different set of slots in the pavement and laying a different pattern of wires in those slots. Traffic signal…