And proposed
The Northeastern students' proposal is to narrow Hammond Street to 22 feet, only just wide enough for two-way motor traffic, and to place a multi-use path along its east side. Most trip endpoints -- residences, the Beaver Country Day School -- in this segment are on the west side. In this picture, no improvement is shown to the sidewalk on the west side (right side in the images), though one is shown in the plan drawings. Crossing the grass strip to the path would be troublesome for wheelchair users. In winter, the grass strip would be a snowbank, so bicyclists and wheelchair users would have to use the narrowed roadway.
My preferred treatment would have three travel lanes, including a center turn lane becoming a median at crosswalks. The sidewalk on the west side would be improved to ADA standards. This plan would not require curbs to be moved and would maintain flexibility so that slower and stopped traffic (bicyclists, moped riders, buses, delivery vehicles, drivers preparing to turn left, etc.) would not slow or stop other traffic. Same location in the plans. The proposed cross-section is shown here.