Table of contents

Christmas in West Africa

Introduction and instructions for viewing

John S. Allen

Helen W. Stewart's Jr.'s trip to West Africa

Helen W. Stewart Jr. traveled to West Africa in the winter of 1977-1978, when she was 65 years old and lived at 77 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, New York. She wrote up her experiences in the typescipt which is reproduced in these pages. I'll let her tell the rest of the story for herself.

Viewing and printing instructions

The version presented here is the original typescript, scanned page by page. Viewing it on the computer screen is straightforward enough, using an Internet browser. The width of the scanned pages is 736 pixels, a good fit for an 800 x 600 pixel computer screen.

Browsers print out at a resolution of 72 pixels per inch, and so printouts from your browser may be oversized. You may therefore want to print out the typescript pages directly from the GIF files of the scanned pages, using a graphics application instead of your browser. If you specify a resolution of 100 pixels per inch, the pages will print in the same size as the originals and will fit on standard letter-sized paper.