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A Map of the Seneca Villages and the Jesuit and French Contacts 1615-1708 -- information about the map

The Map of the Seneca Villages and the Jesuit and French Contacts distills years of research in the Rochester, New York area by its author, Alexander M. Stewart, who was my grandfather. Many of the archaeological discoveries reported in the map are his own. The map is not only a work of scholarship, but also a work of art, a large, detailed and elegant pen and ink drawing by the artist Helen Erickson.

The original artwork of the map measures approximately 22 x 28 inches, (0.6 x 0.7 m.). The original, or a full-sized copy, hung on the wall of my grandfather's study. Copies are preserved in the library of St. John Fisher College, in Rochester, New York. I have copies which my mother gave to me.

The author had a smaller copies of the map printed, approximately 9 x 11 inches (35 x 45 cm), in order to distribute it more widely. The present Web version of the map is scanned from the smaller printed version. Though the image detail of the Web version can not do full justice to Erickson's pen work, it does show the map clearly enough.

I thank my friend Sheldon Brown for his assistance in preparing the map for the Web. He scanned two of the 9 x 11 inch copies and combined the better parts.

I further processed the scanned image, touching up remaining blemishes and optimizing the file format to bring the file down from 5.8 MB to a more practical 600 kB.

The map, and 2648 by 3310 pixels, is probably the largest image which you will ever download over the Web (though far from the largest amount of data to make an image, thanks to careful optimization).

It is my pleasure to make the map available. Comments and suggestions. may be directed to me, John S. Allen

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Map copyright 1931, 1955,
Alexander M. Stewart, Helen Erickson
Additional content copyright 1997 John S. Allen
Last modified May 31, 1999





















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