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Church Opening!

The new Baptist Church at Dwight will be dedicated on

Rev. A. Grant, Missionary Superintendent, will (D. V.) preach at 11 a.m.

Rev. James Grant, of Paris, will follow.

Rev. J. W. A. Stewart, of Rochester, N. Y. will preach at 3 p.m.
Rev. D. Hutchenson, of Brantford, will preach at 7 p.m.

On Monday Evening a

Tea will be served from 5 to 7 o'clock

Addresses will be given by several visiting and neighboring ministers.

Tickets- 25 cts.

This cannot fail to be an occasion of very special interest to all in the district.

A. STEWART, Pastor.

Capt. Marsh will run a
Special Steamboat Excursion

from Baysville and Colebridge to Dwight in connection with the Tea-Meeting on Monday, 22d, at greatly reduced rates. Fare, 40 cts., single ticket, 60 cts., double ticket.

Dwight, August 9th 1887.

Forester Print.