The image below this caption is a section of the design drawing for the reconstruction of the intersection of Waverly Street, Granite Street and Brookline Street, more or less as it has been reconfigured at present (August, 2007). Waverly Street is at the right and Granite Street, at the left, as in the aerial photos.
* New median strip in Brookline Street, south of the intersection;
* Revised crosswalk design, with wheelchair ramps, zebra stripes and neckdowns;
* Bike lanes on Brookline Street and Waverly Street. The ones at the southeast corner of the intersection were intended to be painted in blue thermoplastic (shown stippled). However, no blue paint has been applied as of August, 2007;
* Rumble strips, shown hatched. There is one at the north end of the Brookline Street median to allow large trucks to negotiate the left turn onto Brookline Street from Waverly Street. The crescent-shaped rumble strip on the southeast corner of the intersection is more unusual; it is intended to keep turning motor vehicles clear of bicyclists in the bike lane.
* Dashed lines through the intersection indicating lines of travel;
* Marking for bicycle signal actuators in bike lanes immediately before the intersection, both on Waverly Street and on Brookline Street. Granite Street is a minor street which would logically be actuated even if others are timed. There would need to be actuators in both travel lanes on Granite Street; also, to allow bicyclists to trip the signal on Waverly Street without risking the right hook from right-turning motor vehicles, there should also be a bicycle-sensitive actuator in the middle of the right travel lane of Waverly Street. No actuator markings or pedestrian pusbuttons have been installed as of August, 2007, and so it appears that all of the signal phases are timed rather than actuated.
The most unusual feature of the intersection, however, is the placement of the bike lane on Brookline Street to the right of a right-turn lane, contrary to AASHTO guidelines and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The resulting conflict was to be managed with a special traffic signal, as indicated in the lower right corner of the drawing. A different traffic signal has been installed, which still, however, establishes separate signal phases for through traffic and right turns. That signal is shown in photos which follow.