More of the interview. (Video, click on run button.)
R: I'm sorry, one more. What about Cambridge Street, running right past City Hall Plaza? That's such a crazy thoroughfare, is there any way that could be adapted for bikers?
M: We're going to look at that, we're going to use our traffic consultants to work with us on how you slow down traffic on Cambridge Street and make sure that it's safe to ride a bicycle on that thoroughfare. But with a little assistance, we're going to have a process, it's not the end of the process. It's initially, we're looking at all these streets, and there are certain streets that you can do it, and certain streets you can't. We want to make sure that the streets they can (get done) [??, camera click]. I mean, look at the Harborwalk [gesturing to the Harborwalk route, which is to his left]. I guess it's about 20 miles to go on theHarborwalk with [unintelligible] Street
R: Have you ever had a close encounter with a car on your bike rides?
M: I had a close encounter with reporters.
R: Who won that one?
M: The reporter, of course.
R: [laughter] OK.