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Scroll right as necessary to see the rest of this more-than-180-degree panorama from the northeast corner of the intersection of West 26th Street and 9th Avenue. Starting at the left side of the image, we see West 26th street, looking east; then 9th Avenue looking south; West 26th Street looking west; and 9th Avenue looking north, with the barrier-separated left-turn lane. That's John Ciccarelli in the yellow jacket, walking out into the crosswalk to get a different point of view. His jacket also shows at the right side. The photos assembled into the panorama were not all taken at the same time, and so the traffic signals and traffic movements may not all be consistent with one another. Photo by John S. Allen
Generated by JAlbum 8.6 / PositionMap 5.8.3
Images by John Ciccarelli
and captions by John S. Allen
unless otherwise indicated.