In Massachusetts, traffic circles are called "rotaries". This section of the design drawing is oriented with south at the top and shows the connection of Brookline Street to the Reid rotary intersection. Features of note are:
* Zebra-striped crosswalks
* Ramps and cut-through in median for wheelchair access.
* Roadways angled so motorists can enter and exit the rotary without slowing as in modern roundabout design.
The traffic island pre-dates the reconstruction, and its shape was not modified.
* Bike lanes. The one at the left side of the photo transitions from the rotary and was to be painted in blue thermoplastic (shown stippled), though no paint has been applied as of August, 2007.
It is striking that the bike lane approaching the rotary (right side of illustration) is continued all the way to the crosswalk. This nonstandard treatment places bicyclists in a poor position to continue around the rotary. (More about this in another slide which follows).