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Compiled by John S. Allen

Works listed here provide additional insights into René Menard, the Jesuit Order, and French exploration and colonization in northeastern North America. This bibliography is compiled from René Menard 1605-1661 and French Pioneers in the Eastern Great Lakes Area 1609-1791, by Alexander M. Stewart, and from Saint Among Savages, by Francis X. Talbot, S.J.

I have included a few hyperlinks to museums and other institutions connected with the paper publications listed in this bibliogrphy, but there are some other Web sites that deserve special mention.

The personal papers of Alexander Mr. Stewart, author of several works listed in this bibliography, including René Menard 1605-1661, have been donated to St. John Fisher College in Rochester, New York, whose library includes many of the works listed here. The librarian (1999) is Karen Junker.

Histories of the tribes to which Menard ministered are available on the World Wide Web. These histories provide vital insights from a different perspective.

The Finger Lakes Association, mentioned in the Author's Preface to René Menard, has an active Web site and museum.

A description of the Lake of Bays in Ontario where the author and the editor of René Menard both spent many summers is on the Web.

A guide to museums and libraries in the Rochester, New York area, which are cited many times in René Menard, is also available on the Web.

The bibliography below is formatted as a table, so it may easily be imported into a database or spreadsheet application to allow searching and filtering. As this is a flat-file table, there are a number of duplications in the names of authors, and some records contain the names of more than one author or publication. Therefore, be sure to search for strings anywhere in a field, not only at the beginning. The columns at the right side of the table indicate subject areas and should assist searching.

In order to prevent search errors, no hyphenation has been used in the table. As a result, words may wrap oddly in narrow table cells. Browsers also handle tables rather differently.

Many names of people and places in this bibliography include French accented characters. Please remember this when searching the file!

Author Title Where Published Publisher Publication date Source


New York

New France
  Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Vols. 1, 2 (1000-1740) Toronto   1966, 1969         x
  Documentary History of the State of New York. Vol. I, edited by E. B. O'Callaghan Albany   1850 x x x x  
  Documentary History of the State of New York. Vol. IV. Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan Albany   1851 x   x x  
  Documents in the Archives of Collège Sainte-Marie (now Concordia University), Montréal       x x x x x
  Documents Relative to the Colonial History of New York. Vol. 1. Edited by J. R. Brodhead Albany   1856 x x x x  
  Documents Relating to the Towns along the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers. Edited by B. Fernow Albany   1881 x x x x  
  Ecclesiastical Records: State of New York. Edited by Hugh Hastings Albany   1901 x x x x  
  Galinée's Narrative and Map. James Coyne, Ed., Papers and Records, Ontario Historical Society, 4: 1-75 Toronto Ontario Historical Society 1903 x     x x
  Galinée's Narrative and Map. James Coyne, Ed. The Coyne translation is reproduced in Early Narratives of the Northwest, in the series "Original Narratives of Early American History," Louis P. Kellogg, Ed., pp. 161-209 New York   1917 x     x x
  The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents. Edited by Reuben Bold Thwaites. 73 volumes Cleveland The Burrows Brothers Company 1896 - 1901 x x   x x
  The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents. Edna Kenton, Ed. (selections) New York A. & C. Boni Co. 1925 x x   x x
  Lettres de Marie de l'Incarnation. 3 vol. Tournai   1876 x x     x
  Écrits Spirituels et Historiques: Marie de l'Incarnation. Edited by Dom Albert Jamet Paris, Québec Á L'Action Sociale, Lim. 1929 x x     x
  Martyrs' Shrine Message, published quarterly by the Martyrs' Shrine Midland, Ont. Martyrs' Shrine     x     x
  Rapport de l'Archiviste de la Province de Québec pour 1924-1925. Edited by Pierre-Georges Roy Québec   1925   x     x
Alegambe, S.J., Philippe Mortes Illustres, etc. Brussels, Rome   1655, 1657 x x     x
Beauchamp, William M. Aboriginal Occupation of New York. Bulletin 32, vol. 7, New York State Museum Albany New York State Museum 1900, Feb.     x x  
Biggar, H. P. The Precursors of Jacques Cartier, 1497-1534. Publications of the Canadian Archives, No. 5 Ottawa Canadian Archives 1911         x
Bishop, M. Champlain, the Life of Fortitude New York   1948         x
Bracq, J. C. The Evolution of French Canada New York Macmillan 1926   x x   x
Butterfield, C.W. History of Brulé's Discoveries and Explorations, 1610-1626. Other works on Brulé: (1) (2) Cleveland   1898     x x x
Campbell, Henry Colin Père René Menard. Loaned to the author by the Wisconsin Historical Society Madison Wisconsin Historical Society Pre-1933   x      
Campbell, S.J., Thomas Pioneer Priests of North America: Among the Iroquois, vol. 1. Among the Hurons, vol. 2. Among the Senecas, vol.3. New York The America Press 1908?, 1910, 1913?     x x x
Champlain, Samuel de Voyages of Samuel de Champlain. W. L. Grant, Ed. New York   1907         x
Charlevoix, S.J., F. X. de Histoire de la Nouvelle France., 3 vols. Paris   1744   x x x x
Charlevoix, S.J., F. X. de History and General Description of New France. Translated and edited by John Gilmary Shea, 6 vols. New York   1866         x
Conover, C. S. Seneca Indian Villages. Geneva, N.Y.   1889     x x  
Conover, C. S. A History of the New York Iroquois. Bulletin 78, New York State Museum Albany New York State Museum 1905     x x  
Cranston, J. H. Étienne Brulé, Eternal Scoundrel Toronto   1949     x x x
de Baugy Journal. In Rochester Historical Society Publication Fund Series, vol. X., 1930 Rochester, N.Y. Rochester Historical Society 1930 x x x x x
Devine, E. J., S.J. Historic Caughnawaga Montréal   1922     x x  
Devine, E. J., S.J. Old Fort Ste. Marie. (3rd revised edition) Midland, Ont.   1947     x   x
Du Creux, S.J., François Historiae Canadensis Libri Decem Paris   1664 x       x
Faillon, Abbé Histoire de la Colonie Française en Canada. 3 vols. Montréal   1865   x x   x
Fallon, J., S.J. Heroes of Huronia (a translation of the relation of Rev. Paul Ragueneau, S.J.) Midland, Ont.   1948   x x   x
Fallon, J., S.J. Shadows Over Huronia Midland, Ont.   1966     x   x
Fenton, W. N. Problems Arising from the Historic Northeastern Positioning of the Iroquois. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 100 Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution 1940     x x  
Fenton, W. N. Review, George Hunt's Wars of the Iroquois. American Anthropologist, 42: 662-64     1940     x x  
Ferland, Abbé J. B. Cours d'Histoire du Canada. 2 vols. Québec   1861   x x   x
Finley, John The French in the Heart of America New York Scribners 1915   x x x x
Fouqueray, S.J., Henri, and Becdelièvre, S.J., Alain de Martyres du Canada Paris Tequi 1930   x x   x
French, M. J. Champlain's Incursion against the Onondaga Nation Ann Arbor   privately printed 1949     x x x
Gosselin, Abbé A. La Mission du Canada avant Msgr. de Laval: Récollets et Jésuites Évreux   1909   x x x x
Grassman, Thomas, O. F. M. Conv. The Mohawk Indians and their Valley Fonda, N.Y.   1969     x x  
Hakluyt, R. Early English and French Voyages. H. S. Burrage, Ed. New York   1906       x x
Harris, W. R. The Catholic Church in the Niagara Peninsula, 1626-1895 Toronto   1895   x x x x
Harris, W. R. The Men Who Broke the Trail to Hudson Bay. 31st Annual Archaeological Report, Ontario Provincial Museum Toronto Ontario Provincial Museum 1919         x
Harris, W. R. The Men Who Broke the Trail to Georgian Bay. 32nd Annual Archaeological Report, Ontario Provincial Museum Toronto Ontario Provincial Museum 1920         x
Hawley, Charles Early Chapters of Cayuga History Auburn, N.Y. Cayuga Historical Society 1879     x x  
Hawley, Charles Jesuit Missionaries in Sonnantuan, or Early Chapters of Seneca History Auburn, N.Y. Cayuga Historical Society 1884     x x  
Houghton, R. The Archeology of the Genesee Country. In Researches and Transactions of the New York State Archeological Association, Lewis Morgan Chapter, 3 Rochester, N.Y. New York State Archeological Association 1922   x x x  
Hunt, George Wars of the Iroquois Madison, Wis.   1940     x x  
James, C. G. The Downfall of the Huron Nation. In Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, second series, 12: 311-46     1906     x   x
Jones, S.J., Arthur Edward Old Huronia. Fifth Report of the Bureaus of Archives for the Province of Ontario Toronto   1908       x x
Jury, W. W. Saint Louis, Huron Indian Village and Jesuit Missionary Site. Bulletin 10, Indian and Pioneer Museum, University. of Western Ontario London, Ont. University of Western Ontario 1955   x x   x
Jury, W. W. Sainte Marie Among the Hurons Toronto   1954   x x   x
Kellogg, Louise Phelps Early Narratives of the Northwest Madison Wisconsin Historical Society            
Kidd, K. E. The Excavation of Ste. Marie I Toronto   1949   x x   x
Le Clercq, Récollet, Christian Premier Établissement de la Foy dans la Nouvelle-France. Paris   1691 x x x   x
Le Clercq, Récollet, Christian First Establishment of the Faith in New France. Translated with notes by John Gilmary Shea New York   1881 x x x   x
Martin, S.J., Félix Le P. Isaac Jogues Paris and Québec   1874   x x x x
Martin, S.J., Félix The Life of Father Isaac Jogues, translated by John Gilmary Shea New York Benziger 1885   x x x x
Melançon, S.J., Arthur Liste des Missionaires-Jésuites, 1611-1800 Montréal Collège Ste. Marie 1929   x   x x
Morgan, Lewis H. League of the Iroquois. 2 vols.   Dodd, Mead 1904     x x  
Olds, N. "The Jesuits and their Missions in the Genesee Country." In Rochester Historical Society Publication Fund Series, 4: 121-131 Rochester, N.Y. Rochester Historical Society 1925   x x x  
Orr, R. The Nipissings. 29th Annual Archeological Report, Ontario Provincial Museum Toronto Ontario Provincial Museum 1917     x   x
Parker, A. C. The Archeological History of New York. Bulletins 235-236, 237-238, of the State Museum Albany, N.Y. New York State Museum 1922   x x x  
Parker, A. C. An Analytical History of the Senecas. In Researches and Transactions of the New York State Archeological Association Albany, N.Y. New York State Archeological Association 1926     x x  
Parkman, Francis Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV Boston   1901         x
Parkman, Francis The Jesuits of North America Boston   1880   x   x x
Parkman, Francis La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West Boston   1901       x x
Parkman, Francis Pioneers of France in the New World. 2 vols. Boston   1878         x
Pierron, Jean, S.J. Letter of August 12, 1667. Translated in Bulletin, New York State Archeological Association, Rochester, N.Y., No. 6, pp. 5-10 Rochester, N.Y. New York State Archeological Association Mar. 1956 x x x    
Radisson, Pierre The Explorations of Peter Esprit Radisson. A. T. Adams, Ed. Minneapolis   1961 x       x
Radisson, Pierre Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson. G. D. Scull, Ed. New York   1943 x       x
Repplier, Agnes Father Marquette         x     x
Repplier, Agnes Mère Marie of the Ursulines         x     x
Reynolds, C. Albany Chronicles Albany, N.Y.   1906       x  
Ridley, F. Archeology of the Neutral Indians. A publication of the Etobicoke Historical Society Islington, Ont. Etobicoke Historical Society 1961     x x  
Rochemonteux, S.J., Camille de Les Jésuites de la Nouvelle-France. 2 vols. Paris Letouzey 1895   x x x x
Ruttenberg, E. M. Aboriginal Place Names of New York. Bulletin 108, New York State Museum Albany New York State Museum 1907     x x  
Ruttenberg, E. M. Indian Geographical Names in New York   New York State Historical Association 1906     x x  
Sagard, Récollet, Gabriel Theodat Histoire du Canada. Paris, 1636. New edition, 4 vols. Paris   1866         x
Sagard, Récollet, Gabriel Theodat Le grand voyage du pays des Hurons. Paris, 1632. New edition Paris   1865   x x   x
Selden, G. B. Jr. "Étienne Brulé, the First White Man in the Genesee Country". In Rochester Historical Society Publication Fund Series 4: 83-102 Rochester, N.Y. Rochester Historical Society 1925     x x x
Selden, G. B. Jr. "The Expedition of the Marquis de Denonville against the Seneca Indians - 1687". In Rochester Historical Society Publication Fund Series, 4: 1-82 Rochester, N.Y. Rochester Historical Society 1925     x x x
Severance, F. H. An Old Frontier of New France. 2 vols. New York   1917       x x
Severance, F. H. Western New York Under the French. Researches and Transactions of the New York State Archeological Association, no. 2 Rochester, N.Y. New York State Archeological Association 1920       x x
Stewart, Alexander M. Centennial History of Rochester, New York. p. 95," First White Residents" Rochester, N.Y.       x x x  
Stewart, Alexander M. "Did the French Missionaries Carry Epidemics to the American Indians?" in The Iroquoian, 4: 38-39 Rochester, N.Y. New York State Archeological Association 1982, Fall   x x x x
Stewart, Alexander. M. French Pioneers in the Eastern Great Lakes Area 1609-1791. Occasional Papers of the New York State Archeological Association, Number 3 Rochester, N.Y. New York State Archeological Association 1970   x   x x
Stewart, Alexander. M. A Map of the Seneca Villages and Jesuit and French Contacts 1615-1708. Map drawn by Helen M. Erickson. Third edition Rochester, N.Y. privately published; now on Internet 1955   x x x  
Stewart, Alexander. M. René Menard 1605-1661 Rochester, N.Y. privately published; now on Internet 1934, 1997   x x x x
Sulte, Benjamin Histoire des Canadiens-français. 8 vols. Montréal   1882         x
Sulte, Benjamin The Jesuits in North America Boston   1868   x   x x
Talbot, S.J., Francis the Torture Trail of Saint Isaac Jogues. Historical Records and Studies, vol. XXIII   United States Catholic Historical Society 1933   x x x x
Talbot, S.J., Francis Saint Among Savages; the Life of Isaac Jogues (see note) New York and London Harper and Brothers Publishers 1935   x x    
Tanner, S.J., Mathia Vita et Mors eorum, etc. Prague 1675            
Thwaites, R. G. Father Marquette         x      
White, M. E. Iroquois Culture History in the Niagara Frontier Area of New York State. Anthropological Papers, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, No. 16 Ann Arbor, Mich. University of Michigan 1961     x x  
Winsor, J. Cartier to Frontenac 1534-1700 Boston   1894         x
Wraxall, Peter An Abridgment of the Indian Affairs Transacted in the Colony of New York from the Year 1678 to 1751. Charles H. McIlwain, Ed. Cambridge, Mass.   1915     x x  
Wray, C. F., and Schoff, H. L. "A Preliminary Report on the Seneca Sequence in Western New York 1550-1687", Pennsylvania Archeologist, 23: 52-63     1953     x x  
Wright, G. K. The Neutral Indians: A Source Book. Occasional Papers of the New York State Archeological Association, No. 4, Rochester, N. Y.   New York State Archeological Association 1963 x   x x  
Wrong, George M. The Rise and Fall of New France New York Macmillan 1928         x
Wynne, S.J., John J. The Jesuit Martyrs of North America New York Universal Knowledge Foundation 1925   x   x x
Zwierlein Religion in New Netherland (no further information)             x  

Note on Talbot, Saint Among Savages: Written at nearly the same time as René Menard, and also in New York, (though oddly, the author of neither book makes reference to the other), Saint Among Savages is a thorough biographical treatment of one of Menard's colleagues. Saint Among Savages conveys a modern Jesuit's knowing insights into the beliefs, mission and psychology of the French Jesuit pioneers in North America, and is detailed and graphic about the sufferings which they willingly endured to advance their mission, as well as details of life in the Indian villages. René Menard, however, in this editor's opinion, surpasses Saint Among Savages as a chronicle of canoe voyages and in its overview of history.

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This bibliography © 1997 John S. Allen

Last revised 16 December 1999