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Esther Stratton Wilson, Mrs. Alexander Stewart

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Alexander Stewart

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Alexander Stewart

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Standing: left - Alexander Stewart, William Stewart

Sitting: George Stewart, Annie Stewart Rennie,
Margaret Stewart Gibbons.

larger scan of this image

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Alexander Stewart with members of his family at "Alderside", his house in Dwight, Ontario, in the 1890s.

Back row: Arthur Stewart, Harold Stewart, James Arnold.

Third row: Alexander Stewart, Miss Kate Andrews, J.W.A. Stewart, Fred Stewart.

Second row: Joseph L. Humphrey, Augusta Stewart, Mrs. Ezra. R. Andrews, Hugh Stewart, Mary McGinn Stewart.

First row: Norman Stewart, Alexander M. Stewart, Curly [the Stewarts' dog, identified by AMS.]

[James Arnold's raised hand is possibly squeezing an air bulb to open the shutter of the camera. -- JSA]

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AMS family album page with identifications by AMS and JSA

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