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Alexander Stewart was buried in the Hemlock Section of the Durham Cemetery, Durham, Grey County, Ontario, Canada. Descendants erected a family monument reading as follows:

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South side: Rev. Alexander Stewart, 1813-1904.
Esther Wilson, wife of Rev. A. Stewart, 1821-1866.
Jane Stewart, wife of D. Fisher, 1844-1869.

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North side: Alexander C. MacKenzie, 1837-1903.
Mary Stewart, wife of A. C. MacKenzie, 1846-1901.
Their daughter Florence Josephine, Apr. 23, 1871-Feb. 4, 1956.
Their son Frederick Alexander, July 31, 1869-May 29, 1957.

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East side: Children of A. & M. MacKenzie
Ada, 1867-1870
Maud, 1872-1884

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West side: Augusta H. E., daughter of Rev. Alex. Stewart, 1865-1949.

In 1902 the Durham Baptist Church built a new brick building and, in the front stained glass window facing Lambton Street, is a picture of its founder, Alexander Stewart.

In 1936 the Dwight Baptist Church joined the United Church of Canada and was named the Stewart Memorial Church, in honor of its founder, Alexander Stewart.

In 1956, after a Stewart family reunion at Dwight, the family gave a set of The World Book encyclopedia to the Dwight school, in honor of Alexander Stewart, because of the high value he set on education and because, as grandson Harold S. Stewart wrote, "we know how fond he was of children always".

In a wider sense, "circumspice, si monumentum requiris" (if you seek a monument, look around you). Alexander Stewart's memorials include the many churches he helped found -- and the family that descended from him and that continues to contribute to the life of Canada and the United States.

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