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thissmtr.gif (1272 bytes)


Reproduced here are the handwritten pages of some of the letters transcribed in the last chapter of Alexander Stewart, Pioneer Pastor, as well as others.

Alexander Stewart to Harold S. Stewart, April 26, 1898

transcription of this letter

The first page below is the letter as it appeared, edited, in the Family Background draft volume of The Stewarts of Dwight. The top of the first page of the original letter and the entire last page are here cut and pasted together.

 letter from AS to HSS, April 26, 1898.gif (19950 bytes)

The section from the first page ends in mid-line; also, Alexander Stewart typically used both sides of every sheet of paper, and left a large margin at the top of pages: so material from both sides of the first sheet is probably lost. There may have been an additional, middle sheet as well. The following material was on the other side of the last page reproduced above.

 letter from AS to HSS, April 26, 1898 back.gif (13852 bytes)

Alexander Stewart to Harold S. Stewart, Good Friday, 1899

transcription of this letter

AS to HSS, Good Friday 1899 p1.gif (17868 bytes)


AS to HSS, Good Friday 1899 p2.gif (18548 bytes)


AS to HSS, Good Friday 1899 p3.gif (14159 bytes)

Alexander Stewart to Harold S. Stewart, June 8, 1899

Transcription of this letter

AS to HSS 6-8-1899 p1.gif (37255 bytes)


AS to HSS 6-8-1899 p2.gif (32185 bytes)


AS to HSS 6-8-1899 p3.gif (27163 bytes)

Alexander Stewart to Harold S. Stewart, October 7, 1899

AS to HSS, Oct 7, 1899.gif (25225 bytes)

Alexander Stewart to Harold S. Stewart, February 21, 1900

AS to HSS, Feb 21 1900 p1.gif (27060 bytes)


AS to HSS, Feb 21 1900 p2.gif (30598 bytes)


AS to HSS, Feb 21 1900 p3.gif (18464 bytes)

thissmtr.gif (1272 bytes)

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