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Family Sources

Stewart, Alexander McGinn, "The Late Reverend Dr. Stewart", The Huntsville Forester, Oct. 23, 1947.

Stewart, Elizabeth H., ed., Mary Ann St. Leger McGinn Stewart: 1845-1914,privately published, 1981; and Mary Stewart's diaries on which the book was based.

Stewart, Gordon M., and Centennial Committee, Stewart Memorial Church, 1887-1987, Our Story.

Stewart, Harold S., The Stewarts of Dwight, privately published about 1962; also his research notes, in possession of his son, Gordon M. Stewart.

Stewart, Joseph William Alexander, an article about his father written in 1886 for The Canadian Baptist, reprinted with an added section in The Link and Visitor, published by the Women's Baptist Home and Foreign Missionary Societies of Ontario West, Vol. VII, No. 9, July-August 1934, and entitled "There Were Giants in Those Days" in The Canadian Baptist, August 9, 1934.

Scotland and Emigration

Bain, Elizabeth Colvin, Deserted Settlements in Glenlednock, Strathearn. Undated.

Callander, Robin Fraser, A Pattern of Landownership in Scotland. Finzean, Aberdeenshire: Haughend Publications. 1987.

Cameron, David Kerr, The Ballad and the Plough. London: Futura Publications Ltd. 1978.

Grant, Elizabeth, Memoirs of a Highland Lady, 1797-1827. London: John Murray. 1898, 1978.

Grant, Isabel F., Every-Day Life on an Old Highland Farm 1769-1782. Shepheard-Walwyn reprint 1981 (first published 1924).

Harper, Marjory,

Emigration from North-east Scotland to Canada 1830-1880. Paper presented at University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 1978.
Emigration from North-east Scotland. Two volumes. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press. 1988
"Voyage to Disaster", The Highlander, Vol. 29, No. 1, reprinted from The Leopard.

Lenman, Bruce, An Economic History of Modern Scotland, 1660-1976. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd. 1977.

Lythe, S. G. E., and J. Butt, An Economic History of Scotland, 1100-1939. Glasgow and London: Blackie. 1975.

MacKenzie, George A., ed., From Aberdeen to Ottawa in 1845, the Diary of Alexander Muir. Aberdeen University Press. 1990. Includes "Account of a Voyage from Aberdeen to Quebec by William Shand, 1834".

Prebble, John, The Highland Clearances. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books Ltd. 1963.

Reid, J. M., Scotland's Progress. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode. 1971.

Statistical Account of Scotland, 1796, 1836, 1961. Sections for Mortlach parish.

Survey of the Province of Moray A. Aberdeen: Printed for Isaac Forsyth, Bookseller, Elgin. 1798.

Canada, Baptist Sources

Barker, Alfred J.,

"A Hundred Years of Baptist Witness, 1860-1960", The Hanover Post, June 2, 1960.
Our Goodly Heritage, Oven Sound Association of Baptist Churches, Sept. 21, 1960.

Canadian Baptist Register. Toronto: Globe Book and Job Office; Baptist Publishing Co. 1858-1904.

Canadian Baptist, The, "Obituary: Ruth Stewart", Jan. 3, 1901; "In Memoriam, Rev. Alex Stewart", Apr. 14, 1904.

Durham Baptist Church Centennial, Sept. 20-27, 1853-1953.

Green, Carrie, untitled and undated notes on the Baptist Church on the Six Nations Reserve, sent to the author 18 June 1991.

Jamieson, Julia, The Hundredth Anniversary of the Ohsweken Baptist Church (Tuscarora). September 8th to 15 th, 1940.

Link and Visitor, The, "One Hundred Years: the Tuscarora Baptist Church, Ohsweken", October 1940.

McGibb, Isabella Cranston, "Alexander Stewart, Pioneer Baptist, Born Century Ago". The Canadian Baptist, March 3, 1932.

Roberts, G. H., "Our Fathers, Where Are They?" The Canadian Baptist, April 14, 1904.

Slaght and Wilson, correspondence, The Canadian Baptist, May 17 and June 1855.

Staats, Sheila, The History of the Ohsweken Baptist Church., 1840-1980, Woodland Indian Cultural Education Centre. 198 .

Stuart, Alexander, correspondence, The Christian Messenger, Dec. 20, 1855.

Tekawennake. "The Ohsweken Baptist Church". April 18, 1979.

Canada, Other Sources

Boyer, Robert J. Early Exploration and Surveying of Muskoka District. Bracebridge: Herald-Gazette Press. 1979.

Caldwell, Shirley Wilson, articles on Stewart, Rennie, and Caldwell families, provided to the author.

Davidson, T. Arthur, et al., A New History of the County of Grey. Grey County Historical Society, 1972.

Durham Chronicle The, "Grandson Now Retired In Rochester Writes of Rev. Alexander Stewart", (date unknown, circa 1951).

Durham Review, The,

"Funeral of Rev. Alex. Stewart", March 4, 1904.
"Honours to Miss Stewart", March 3 and 10, 1904.
"Passing Pioneers: A Long Life Ended", Feb. 25, 1904.

Dwight Women's Institute, Dwight Memories. A Tweedsmuir History Book. 1989.

Fee, Florence A., Pioneers in the Queen's Bush. Thornbury, Ontario: Conestoga Press. 1984. (Life of pioneers in Grey & Bruce Counties, Ontario.)

Galbraith, John Kenneth, The Scotch. Riverside Press, Cambridge; Houghton Mifflin Go., Boston. 1964.

Haystack Bay Women's Institute, By Wagon and Water. A Tweedsmuir History Book. 1950-51.

Marsh, E. L., et al., A History of the County of Grey. Oven Sound: Fleeting Publishing Co. 1931.

Poole, Helen, The Stewart Family in Fergus, 1831-1931. Privately published in 1987. Also, correspondence with the author.

Six Nations Tourism, Six Nations of the Grand River: Historical Summary. Ohsweken, Ontario. Undated.

Stratford Daily Beacon, "Funeral of Mrs. Stewart", Dec. 14, 1900.

Thomson, Gary, "Island of the Sorrows", The Beaver, Vol. 71: 1.

Tremaine, George C., Map of the County of Norfolk. 1856.

Durham Cemetery, 1990. David S. Stewart sits at the right
of the four-sided black granite stone of the Stewart-MacKenzie family,
transcribing its inscriptions.

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